Chapter 5

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Me: HEY GUYS! I'm back, so, so, I'll be uploading new chapters whenever I have the time since I have no real schedule. I'll most likely be uploading on weekdays because of my winter break, but I go back to school on Jan. 7, so we'll see. Btw, my keyboard sucks, so sorry of I misspell stuff.

Ai: Can we just get on with the story?

Me: All right, all right. Geez. Should have made a more patient character.

Ai: Well boo hoo.

Me: I have the right to replace you when I fell like it though so be careful!

Ai: …Sorry…

Kai: No comment.

Me: I do not own Cardfight Vanguard.

In the last chapter:

"Ai," Aichi called her over.

"Yeah, Aichi?"

"Um… well, you see, I-I got you a present too."

"Really? Thank you!" Ai smiled brightly.

'She's really cute when she smiles' Aichi thought.

Ai opened her present to find a necklace with a blue heart shaped pendent.

"Aichi, it's really pretty! I love it!"


"Yeah!" Ai put on the necklace.

"That looks really cute on you Ai." Kamui said.

"Thanks Kamui! And thank you too Aichi!" she said while giving Aichi a hug. Aichi blushed so much you could see steam coming from his face. Miwa, Kamui, Morikawa, and Izaki all smirked at the sight of this.

Kai looked over at Miwa, "Alright, what did you do."

"So Aichi gives Ai a present and you immediately blame it on me. What a horrible friend." Miwa shook his head.

"Alright, now that all the gift exchanging is done, its time for Ai to sing!" Shin interrupted. Everyone but Kai, cheered.

"Right now?!" Ai blushed.

And so after Ai sang Joy to the World, everything went back to a normal day.

Chapter 5: Transfer Student

"Good morning everyone" Mr. Mark greeted.

"Good morning!" the class replied.

"Before we begin, we have a new student. You can come in now."

Ai walked into the classroom.

"AI!" Aichi and Morikawa shouted.

"Oh, hi guys!" Ai smiled.

"Ahem, since you already know each other, I expect you two will give her a tour of the school during break." Mr. Mark interrupted.

-Mini-time skip—

"Why did you transfer here Ai?" Morikawa asked.

"Big brother thought it would be better if I went to a school where I had a few friends. I didn't have any at my old school."

"What about your community service project?"

"Oh that? I don't have to do it any more, but I'll still visit to Card Capital when I can. Today is my last day working there."

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