Chapter 3

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Me: Kay, next chapter. I do not own Cardfight Vanguard.

Aichi: Where is Kai?

Me: Idk *mumble mumble*



In the last chapter:

"You can't really say anything Lose-umi; you lose to Aichi all the time." Kamui burst in.

"What did you just call me!?"

"Um... Please don't fight!" Ai said.

"Would you mind telling me who you are?" Kamui commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Ai Toshiki. I'm Kai's younger sister."


"Hey! You never told me you had a sister!" Kamui yelled at Kai.

"It never came up." Kai stated coolly.

"Geez, anyway, I'm Kamui the Great." He said to Ai.

"The Great?" Ai tilted her head.

"Hey did you guys just have a battle? Looks like you won Ai. Then it's settled you're gunna battle me next!"

"Alright then," Ai smirked, "what are we waiting for?"

"Stand up, Vanguard!"


"I want a rematch!" Kamui shouted.

"Give it up; Ai already beat you five times in a row." Kai said.

"Alright then, why don't you battle her?! She is your little sister after all."

"Now way"

"Why not?"

"I don't want to."

"Awwwwwwww, are you scared?"

"Fine! I'll battle her. Geez."

"So this will me my seventh battle today, right?" Ai asked.

"Let's just get it over with." Kai mumbled.

"Whatever you say!"

"Stand up, (Kai: the) Vanguard!"

At that second Misaki walked in.

'Oh, are they having a battle?' she thought 'maybe I'll go watch.'


"My seventh battle and my seventh win." Ai beamed. "You haven't changed your battling style a bit big brother!"

"What!? She even beat Kai?!" Morikawa shouted. Everyone was shocked.

"Tee hee?" Ai blushed.

"Well, what do you expect; she even beat him when they were little." Miwa said.

"Its getting late guys, we better go home." Ai said. They all said their goodbyes and left for home.

The next day, Kamui, Miwa, Morikawa and Izaki were planning some mischief at Card Capital.

"We need to find a way to get Ai and Aichi together." Miwa whispered.

"Why would we want to do that?" Morikawa inquired.

"Cause they look cute together you idiot!" Kamui and Izaki answered.

Miwa sweat dropped, "I'll come up with a plan to night."

"Hey, Ai, what are you humming?" Aichi asked Ai.

"I'm humming Happy Synthesizer by Luka and Gumi from Vocaloid." she replied.

"Are you good at singing?"

"I like to think so."

"Will you sing for us?" Everyone stared at her.

"Um… well, I would but there isn't any music."

"I have a karaoke machine." Shin said.

"Okay, I guess I'll be singing then."


Me: So, another chapter is done! Sorry about the short chapter. I'm having writer's block. By the way, I don't own Vocaloid either.

Ai: So what am I going to be singing in the next chapter?

Me: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Ai: That's not fair!

Me: Yes it is. I'm writing this story.

Ai: Miwa, what were you, Kamui, Morikawa, and Izaki talking about?

Miwa: NOTHING, nothing. It's none of you business.

Ai: Why are you people not telling me anything!

Kai: I'm surrounded by idiots.

Me: *evil glare*

Kai: Nevermind….

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