Chapter 8

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As an apology for not uploading in so long I'm uploading two chapters this time. I'm really sorry I havent updated lately. I've been dealing with school and preparing for Fanime Con, at which i will be cosplaying as Rei from Free!'s genderbend. So again, sorry, and i hope you enjoy! X3

In the last Chapter:

'Yay, I won again." Ai yelled.

"Kai, you should have known better." Miwa said.


"Alright, are you okay with this Miwa?" Ai asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Miwa looked away blushing.

"And you have no choice but to go, kay Kai?!"


"Alright guys! See you tomorrow!" Aichi smiled. "You were right Ai, You are really convincing."

"Wait!" Suri yelled.

"Which one are Suri and I going with?" Tama asked.

"I CALL TAMA!" Miwa shouted immediately. Every one stared at him as he slowly sank back down into his seat with steam coming off of his face.

"Then that means Kai is going with Suri!" Ai yelled.

Kai's face went all red and he said "Fine!"

Chapter 8: The Amusement Park

They all met at Card Capital the next day.

"So, Aichi, Ai, what do you have planned for us today?" Suri asked.

"We're all going to the amusement park!" Ai answered.

"Oh, I love it there!" Tama beamed.

"Then let's go already!" Miwa urged.

When they got to the park, Kai decided they would go into the haunted house first. Ai and Suri were both terrified and clung to their dates like glue, while Tama, not being afraid of anything, pretended to be scared so she could cling to Miwa. She really liked him after all. Miwa was so happy, and was hugging and protecting Tama. Aichi was terrified as well, but put on a brave face for Ai. Kai wrapped his arm around Suri and blushed.

"We are never going in there ever again!" Ai and Suri shouted in unison.

"Can we go again?" Tama asked.

"NO!" Ai, Aichi and Suri replied.

Miwa then decided they would go on a rollercoaster called Krakin.

As they got on, Suri was shaking and Kai had an unamused face. Tama and Miwa were really excited Tama jumped on Miwa's back. Ai and Aichi didn't really care they were excited for the rest of the fun stuff. The roller coaster was going up and Suri grabbed Kai and hugged him. Kai really enjoyed it but didn't want to show it. Tama and Miwa were having the most fun. They were laughing and screaming. Ai and Aichi were having fun as well.

The ride ended and Suri was still shaking!

"It's time for Karaoke!" The man said on the loud speaker.

Miwa was pressuring Tama to join in and sing. Even though Tama wanted to join.

"I don't know…" Tama said. But she ran on stage and grabbed a microphone.

"I'm going to sing Answer by Megurine Luka!" When Tama started to sing the audience started to stand and clap.

Many years have passed right before me, as I stare at the ever changing scenery
But time is cruel that way, or so that's what they say
Used to think that we would last forever, promised that we'd always be together
But then it fades away, it all fades at the end of the day

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