
When I woke up again, I blinked while looking at the bright light.

It took my brain a moment to process when I even see a water bag next to me, hanging way above my head.

To be exact, is an IV bag.

I know I see this kind of scene many times on the TV but having myself experiencing it?

This is really the first time.

My first time to be admitted into the hospital, for real.

"You are awake? Are you feeling okay?"

A face popped up in front of me.

I took my time to stare at him.

Maybe because of the medication, my brain is really functioning slow now.

It didn't take that long for another worried face to show up too.

"Rong, can you hear me?"

"I can, Jackson."

Responding in a tiny tone, he sighed in relief instantly while holding on to my face.

"Seriously, you scare the hell out of us!"

I'm sure I did.

Did I almost die?

I feel like; my head is cracking now and I'm tired.

But that's just it.

"Where's Blue? The cats?"

And that's the first thing that came to my mind.

Of course I know pets can't be in the hospital but they didn't abandon them in the car right?

Jackson sighed again when I'm literally asking with my eyes.

"They are at the house."

Glad that they are.

He sit down now, holding my hand after letting go of my face.

I don't think I have the strength to even move now.

So I just let him hold my hand.

And I see him rubbing it with both hands, I think he's trying to warm my hand for me.

"What about the show? Why are you both here?"

I then asked, looking at Wang He Di too.

"Who cares about the show now? You almost die, Rong Rong! Do you know you went into shock because of the cold?"

Wang He Di exclaimed in disbelief and I pursed my lips lightly.

How am I supposed to know when I fainted?

But at least I'm not dead right?

Even if I did, I can only accept that as my fate.

"Can I leave now? I'm feeling fine."


I flinched when two guys yelled at me.


"You need to stay here. And we are staying here with you."

Jackson said, placing my hand under the blanket now before getting up.

"I'll get the doctor."

Wang He Di pulled the blanket to cover me up to my neck after Jackson left.

I just realise the curtains are covering us.

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