Waking Up

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Where the hell am I? And how did I get here? As I started to wake up, I could tell something was wrong. I was laying in a four poster bed that had red sheets and a lot of pillows. I was diffinetly NOT were I was supposed to be. I should be back in my own bed in my own room in Grandpa Makarov's castle. My bed had deep blue sheets, not red ones. And my bedroom had book shelves lining every wall. This room only had two small book shelves on the right wall. This room had a tiny window just above my head, and as I peeked out at the dark landscape, my heart skipped a beat. I had only seen this place in pictures, and grandpa had told me this was the kingdom we were at war with. I was deep in the territory of Fior. As I started towards the door at the other end of the room, something caught my foot and I tumbled face first onto the floor. As I sat up and rubbed the bruise forming on my head, I could only stare in shock at myself. Instead of my over large shirt and shorts that I used for pajamas, I was now in purple stockings that went up to mid thigh and was in a pink skirt that only had the actual skirt wrapped around the back. I was wearing a teal and gold bra that matched the accents on the skirt and pink detached sleeves covered my arms. The pair of shackles wrapped around my feet must have been what made me fall. Just as I stood up, the door to the room opened and a tall man walked in.

"Hello, darling." he said with a cruel smile on his face.

"Father." I said stiffly back, not looking at him.

"I hope my demons didn't rough you to much. Wouldn't want to scar that pretty face." he sneered.

He stared towards me and I scrambled back on my bed, attempting to flatten myself against the wall. Even though he had been a kind man when I was little, I hated him for blaming my mother's deaths on grandfather.

"Levy dear, as a little homecoming gift, I got you a preasent."

"I can assure you, I'm very far away from home." I spat back in his face. He glared at me.

"Levy McGarden, you are going to help me win this war and that's the last I want to here about it! Here's your present, you ungrateful brat." He shouted and stomped towards the door.

As he stormed out, a large panther with a scar over his left eye came in. He hopped up on my bed and after a moment of sniffing me, he gave my face a lick, lay down next to me, and put his head on my lap. I heard the door lock after Ivan left and I looked at my panther.

"I guess your going to be my only friend here." I sighed to him. He lifted his head off my lap and looked at me with his beautiful amber eyes and he smiled at me. He actually smiled at me and went to sleep on my lap.

"I'm going to call you Pantherlily. Is that ok?" He purred in his sleep and I took that as a yes. As I looked out the window, I could just see the sun starting to rise. Grandfather and Laxus should be waking up soon.

"I hope they'll come find me soon." I murmurs to myself as I slowly drifted to sleep.

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