Why Wasn't I There

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I wasn't sure why we were standing before King Makarov and Laxus, but for them to call all of us, it must have been importent. The three people standing beside be were all good friends of mine, and together me were the strongest commanders of the Magnolia army. I, Gajeel Redfox, was captain of the palace guard, a childhood friend of Laxus, and Princess Levy's personal guard wherever she went. Since we spent so much time together, we had become very close and told each other our true feelings. Imagine my surprise when she said she loved a brute like me. We couldn't tell anyone else of course. Levy was the princess and I just a palace guard. We could never really be together. But that didn't stop us. The red haired women standing to my left was Erza Scarlet, commander of our armies out on the battle field. She was known as the Titania, owing to the fact that she seemed to fly like a fairy while slashing her opponent to pieces. On my right was Natsu Dragneel, the kingdoms head weapons expert. His specialty was pyrotechnics, so it wasn't uncommon to hear small explosions behind his lab doors, and for small fires to break out soon after. Next to him was his girlfriend and Levy's best friend, Lucy Heartfillia. She was the kings main battle strategist, always coming up with new ways to get past our enemy. If King Makarov had us all here, something must be seriously wrong. He hopped off his throne and looked gravely at us.

"Levy has been taken by Ivan." he said. My heart stopped. I thought I could actually feel it breaking. Levy? Kidnapped by Ivan?

"WHAT!" Lucy and Erza shouted at the same time. Lucy sank to her knees and looked like she was going to cry while Natsu rubbed her back.

"Stand up, my child. Don't look so beaten. We'll get her back. " King Makarov walked over to Lucy as Natsu barley held her straight.

"That's what I've called you all here for. You are going to go to Fior and get her back. Laxus is going with you and you're leaving at dawn." He said firmly. "Sir, no. We need a few days to plan, think of a strategy, gather people..." Erza frantically began.

"YOU WILL LEAVE THIS PLACE AT SUNRISE TO GO RESCUE MY GRANDDAUGHTER AND THATS ALL I'LL HEAR OF IT!" Makarov's voice boomed through the hall. He sure does have a huge voice for such a small man. Still mumbling under her breath, Titania agreed. I barley slept that night, too worried about my tiny Shrimp to relax. When sunrise finally came, I quickly packed a large backpack that carried enough food, water, and clothes for the journey. It would take us 2 days to reach the Great Forest that seperated the two kingdoms since we would be traveling by carriage. It would then take another 5 days to reach Ivan's palace if we didn't run into any trouble since we would have to go on foot. Laxus, Erza, Natsu, Lucy and I met by the front gate and as we were about to leave, I heard footsteps behind me. As I turned, I could see it was one of the maids. I had seen her around the palace a few times and I think her name was Mira.

"Mira, what are you doing here?" Laxus asked the heavily breathing white haired women. Instead if her usuall maid uniform, she was dresses in tall leather boots, black pants, a black shirt and a long black jacket like the rest of us. Why was that?

"King Makarov told me to come along. He thought I might be helpful. I used to live in Fior before my parents and I came here, so I know the country pretty well." Laxus just shrugged and got in the waiting carriage. As I got in and it started off, I only had one thought.

'Im so sorry I wasn't there for you, Levy. I will find you.'

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