You've Got to be Kidding Me

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I was just starting to wake up when I heard the door open and someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder. I struggled against them and kicked them, but whoever Mr. Strongman was, he simply punched me in the face. Curse my tiny size!

I let out a small yelp and heard Pantherlily growl. I yanked my eyes open just in time to see the door slam on my new friend, and I could hear him yowling and scratching on the other side of the door.

I finally managed to find my voice. "Where are you taking me?" I asked the armor clad demon that was carrying me. "To see your father." he said gruffly.


As he carried me through the halls and up a huge stair case, I was astonished at how big Ivan's palace actually was. It must have been nearly the size of grandfather's castle, and it was really quite beautiful. After about 10 minutes, the demon opened a door, threw me in, and slammed the door again. Nothing like starting your day knowing you'll soon have a giant bruise on your forehead! God, I could already feel it forming.

"Lovely of you to join us darling." said Ivan's hiss of a voice.

As I picked myself off the floor, I was realized I was in a very fancy office. There were couches and cushions and drapes hanging off the large window on the left wall, all in deep red velvet. In front of me was a huge mahogany desk with a large, very ornate chair, in which sat Ivan. He sneered at me as I stood up. What I was most supervised to see was the demon sitting on the arm of Ivan's chair. Just by looking at her, I could tell she was a succubus. She was quite beautiful, but I could sense the evil aura coming off of her in waves, and behind her stood two small children. They couldn't have been much older then 5.

"Oh how rude of me! Levy dear, this is my wife, Lyrana and our twins, Byron and Shiza." he said, gesturing to the small boy and girl.

"Looks like you got over mom without any trouble." I snarled at him.

"Makarov killed Karina and that's why I must destroy him." Ivan retorted back, an evil sneer curling onto his face.

"You know that's not true!" I shouted barley able to contain my anger. "What happened was an accident! Grandfather would never have hurt mom!"

"Silence! The only reason I'm dealing with you is number one, because you will help me destroy Makarov and number two, to lure the strongest soldiers out of the palace. Luring them out will not only get them out of the way, but it will be very fun to torture your little guard friend while you watch." Ivan said with a twisted smile.

"I don't know what your talking about." I almost whispered, trying to play dumb.

"Levy, I have people everywhere and I know you've been getting more then a little friendly with Gajeel Redfox." His wife let out a loud cackle that echoed off the walls.

"If you know who he is, then you'll know he's so much stronger then you'll ever be and Gajeel won't stop fighting until I'm safe." Even though I knew Gajeel could beat Ivan if he really wanted to, I didn't want my iron dragon to get hurt. In reality, I was scared for him more then for myself.

"Here's whats going to happen," Ivan started as he sat up in his chair and looked at me "You are going to use your magic to destroy all of Magnolia. After that's happened, I will consider letting you live or I might just kill you for fun."

"I'd like to see you make me!" I shouted back, trying to act more confident then I actually felt.

As soon as I closed my mouth, a heavy boot came crashing into my stomach as the huge demon who had gotten me this morning kicked me across the room. I smacked hard against the wall and started coughing up blood.

Ivan came and bent down in front of me.

"I have many ways of getting you to do what I want, Levy McGarden. Some I would not prefer to use since they are quite messy, but I'll do what I have to."

With that, he stood up and walked away, and the demon hauled me back to my room. As soon as he had thrown me on my bed and locked the door, Pantherlily jumped up beside me and started sniffing me. He started licking my arm, and as I looked down at it, there was a good sized gash that stretched from my shoulder to just above my elbow. Lily was licking it to stop the bleeding. This panther really cared about what happened to me. After he had stopped licking the gash and had fallen asleep on my bed, I got up and looked at the small bookshelf on the wall.

"Battle Techniques used throughout the Ages","Lost Magic and how to Control It". Those were just a few. I lay down on my bed and sighed out loud.

"I hope Gajeel's ok."

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