Breaking Down

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"Too early for training." I mumbled to myself as I got ready for my day. Levy and I had early training this morning and it was 6 in the morning. I changed into a muscle shirt and flexible black jeans. They were made for my training so I wouldn't be so uncomfortable. I trudged out of my room and was too busy being tired to notice the maid in front of me. As she hurried by, I knocked her to the floor, sending both us and the tray of food she was carrying to the ground.

"I'M SO SORRY, PRINCE LAXUS!" she shouted after realizing who I was.

"It's fine. It was really my fault for running into you." I said as she started to clean the ruined food off the floor.

As I watched her, I couldn't help but think that she was extremely beautiful. She had long white hair that fell in soft waves around her shoulders and very pretty blue eyes.

"I was just going to wake up Princess Levy and give her her breakfast." the maid explained. I got to my feet and helped her up.

"Thank you very much. My name's Mirajane. Mira for short." I smiled back at her. "It's nice to meet you Mira. I can go wake up Levy." I said. "I'll go with you since I need to head that way to find out my other chores for today." she said, smiling sweetly back up at me.

As we walked to Levy's room, something felt off. I couldn't place my finger on it and told myself it was nothing. When we reached Levy's door, I knocked a few times. "Levy! Come on! We have early training today!" I yelled.

When there was no answer, I tried the door, surprised that it was open. Light was shining through the window onto Levy's bed and my heart stopped when I saw the empty bed with only a note lying on the pillow.

'Hello Magnolia. It is I, Ivan. I have taken my daughter back and will use her to destroy you. If there's any funny business, she will die.'

I snatched the note in my hand and streaked past the horrified Mira. I didn't know where my feet were carrying me until I burst through the door of my grandfather's office. He looked up from his papers as I ran in. "What is it Laxus?" he asked noticing the look of panic on my face.

"He's taken her." I chocked out as I started to cry. "Dad took Levy."

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