Mira's Story

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I've officially been here for 4 days, and it's the same routine every day. Every morning at the crack of dawn, I would be dragged out of my room(much to Pantherlily's dismay), thrown into the library, and be forced to read every book that was put in front of me. Guards would watch me, and Ivan had told me that if it took me more than 10 minutes to turn the page, the guards were to give me an electric shock. He really wanted this done fast. The first two days, I had flat out refuse to read. If I didn't read the books, Ivan couldn't use my powers.

The guards had shocked me so much, there were now large red burns all over my body.

On the third day, I finally gave in and started reading since Ivan had threatened to kill me if i didn't get to work. I read at as slow a pace as I could, so I ended up getting  shocked quite a lot.

Hours later, I would be dragged to a tower near the throne room, strapped to a table and shocks of electricity would be sent through my brain, collecting the knowledge I had collected while reading. All I could do was scream because I was in so much pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, I would finally be thrown back into my room and fall asleep almost instantly. Tonight I came back with a very long, deep gash on my right forearm for resisting when the demons had tried to chain me to the table. I tore part of my skirt off and haphazardly wrapped my arm up. There was no doubt in my mind it would leave a scar.

As I drifted to sleep that night, with Lily curled up beside me, my thoughts turned to Gajeel, my only ray of light it this terrible, demon ruled land.


It was now our third day in Fiore, and we were settling down for the night. Erza had brought a cloaking device so we would be invisible so we could sleep in peace. We only used it at night though, so we wouldn't wast it's energy. 

I was just about to go to sleep when I realized something.

"Has anyone seen Mira?" "Yea I saw her head that way." Lucy pointed to a small cluster of cherry blossom trees not far from were we had set up camp. Even though we had the cloaking device, we still tried to stay close to some sort of cover in case any pesky demons decided to come snooping. "I'll go find her." I said as I walked towards the trees.

After I had walked past the first few trees, I caught sight of Mira walking around, humming tunelessly to herself. Since it was so hot in this damned demon land we had all taken our heavy jackets off to keep cool. "Mira, what are you doing out here?"

She jumped at my voice and turned towards me. "Sorry Laxus. I just saw the trees and remembered I had come here once with my parents when I was little." I noticed when she talked about her parents, she always seemed a bit sad. "So how did you come to live in Magnolia?" I asked. She sat under a tree and I sat  next to her.

"I was born here in Fiore. My mother was a demon and my father was a human. He didn't care that my mother was a demon, he really loved her. I was a surprise, so when I was born, my parents moved to the edge of the Great Forest where we were less likely to be discovered.

"11 years later, Ivan came and started ordering the demons around and creating a huge army. My parents knew it wasn't safe for us to stay anymore, so we moved to Magnolia. Luckily, my mother was one of the few demons who was able to disguise herself as a human. We lived in peace, but when I was 19, my parents were in an accident and both died. I've been working at the palace for the last 5 years." She finished as she smiled at me.

"So you're half demon?" I asked. "Is there something wrong with that?" she asked. "Nothing at all." I chuckled back. "We better get back. The others will be wondering where we are." I got up and pulled her to her feet.

When we got back to our camp everyone was already asleep. I had a very restful sleep with Mira curled up next to me.

What an interesting women.


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