My New Little Sister

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As the carriage started it's long trek towards the Great Forest, I couldn't help but think about the first time I had met Levy. It was about 15 years ago when I was 10 and she was 8.

There had been a small group of demons that had had the balls to attack the palace. I was out in the garden chasing Gajeel, my long time friend, when my mother came running to us in a panic. She scooped us both up and ran inside. I remember being surprised at how strong she was considering she was carrying two 10 year olds.

We headed down to the large safety room that was below the main castle. Most people were already there.

"Mama, what's going on?" Gajeel asked his own mother when her found her and his father, Metallicana. "Im not sure sweety, but everything will be fine." she reassured him.
We waited in that room for what seemed like hours. Metallicana, being the head of the palace guards at the time, went out and soon came back, saying that the coast was clear and there were only two fatalities. King Makarov and my father went to go see what had happened. My mother and I decided to tag along. When we got to the room where the bodies were, I wasn't allowed to go in. Instead my mother and I went into the room next to it, and my mother immediately went over to a little girl who had wavy blue hair and was very short. As she cried, the girl explained how a large demon had attacked and killed her parents. It didn't smell her because the sent of her parents blood had masked her own smell. When my father and grandpa came back in, my mother told them of the situation. It was grandpa who suggested that we adopt her. At first my father wasn't too keen on the idea, but he cared about her as much as he cared about me. That tiny girl was Levy McGarden, my little sister. And know, I was determined to save her from our father.

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