The text

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Y/n's pov: I woke up from the sun shinning through my curtains,I look over to check the time *9:35am*"shit,shit I'm late for Uni!",God the hangover really hit me really bad. After getting ready I headed out the door and into my car there was no time to get a coffee so I drove pass the shop and straight to Uni.I ran to my first class apologizing for my lateness. I grabbed the test the class had been doing from Scarletts(professor Johansson's) desk and sped walked to my desk. During the test I hear professor Johansson get out of her seat but I don't pay attention,she goes around then stops at my desk,she leans in making it look professor and student friendly her eyes dart to my test then she whispers "you were good last night", I look at her confused,but then a memory from last night flashed through my mind,I blush at that then I whisper "I was drunk I would never have enjoyed having sex with my professor" "we'll see" then she walks of back to her desk and faces me then puts an innocent smile on her face, I look down trying to concentrate but my mind goes to the scene that happened last night. I get a text from Scar<3 I read it and know instantly who it was I look up and she's leaning on her elbow staring right in my eyes.

Look up ;)

Y/n y/l/n:
Do you want me
to pass this test
or not.

Ofc I do,fine if you don't
Want my attention
I'll give it after Lecture,😏

God this woman how'd she even get my number

Look up ;)

Y/n y/l/n:
Do you want me
to pass this test
or not.

Ofc I do,fine if you don't
Want my attention I'll
give it after Lecture,😏

Y/n y/l/n:
How'd you even
get my number

I stole your phone
Last Night and put
My number in

How dear she.I place my phone back down and in no time Lecture was finished.I start packing up for my next class "Ms y/l/n could you pls help me with this" I look up and walk tawords her desk to grab what's needed "where am I taking this" "in my office,come on I don't have all day" I walk towards where Scarlett is and into her office I place her belongings down and turn around to leave but she pins me onto the wall "Let's have a little fun before you leave" then she leans in kissing me non stop the kiss starts heating up and right now she has her hands under my shirt gripping onto my hips she pulls her body closer making her legs go between my legs,I moan quietly but then she pulls away I look into her pupils and a smirk climbs onto our face "I have to go, don't think about me to much" I say before going in for another kiss before leaving

A/n hello ✨gays✨ a/n here I just wanna tell you I might make a
Scarlett.J x Elizabeth.O or
Natasha.M x Wanda.M x Y/n Y/l/n one shot book I don't know give me ideas if I do because rn I'm tryna think of some.

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