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Nobody's POV

You laugh as you talk to your friends by the campfire. That laughter soon comes to an end when you see black fog surrounding you, Leon, Yui and Dwight. The four of you let out a groan as you're sucked into a trial.

You notice your surroundings once the fog clears. You realize that you're in the Backwater Swamp. You hated this place, it reeked. It makes sense considering it is a swamp. Regardless it was unpleasant and you hated it. You let out a disappointed sigh and run off to find a generator. You end up bumping into Leon. You blush slightly at his presence, he's very attractive. He gives you a small smile.

"Hey (Y/N). There's a gen up on the boat, let's get that one done." You nod your head and follow Leon up the stairs of the boat. The two of you start working on the gen, both of you hitting all of your skill checks. As soon as the generator finishes you can hear Dwight getting hooked. You roll your eyes, looking in the direction of the hook he's on.

"Whenever I'm in a trial with Dwight he always goes down so damn fast." You look back at Leon who's chuckling slightly.

"Yeah well, he is pretty clumsy. He's good on generators but not very good in chase." Leon gives you a smirk. You couldn't help but blush again. He's just too handsome for his own good!

"Okay, since you're better in chase then I am. Would you mind distracting the killer while I save Dwight?" You ask already knowing he'll agree. He nods at your question.

"Of course. Be safe, (Y/N)." He runs off after he finishes his sentence. You quickly do the same and begin running for Dwight who's on the hook. He was far across the map so by the time you got there he hit second state. You get up to the hook placing your hands under Dwight's shoulders and pull him off. You begin to heal immediately.

"So, who's the killer?" You ask, careful not to fuck up the heal. Dwight begins to speak but it's clearly hard since he's injured.

"I'm.. I'm not sure. I've never seen a killer like him before.." you gasp at his words making him wince while you finish cleaning up his wounds.

"Shit." You mutter to yourself. "What did he look like?" You both begin to search for a generator while the two of you converse.

"Hm, he looked like some K-Pop idol of some kind. His weapon is a bat with a blade on it.. oh! And he has these strange throwing knives. I saw him reload them in the locker like The Huntress does." As he explains you nod, making sure he knows you're acknowledging him. He continues his description of this new killer. "He was wearing this yellow designer looking jacket with no shirt on and he also has yellow eyes. It's kinda strange." Dwight let's out a sigh.

"Yep, definitely a new killer. Usually they put the killer with the survivor they are dragged in with. Maybe he doesn't have a survivor?" You question as you stumble upon a gen. Luckily Yui finished a gen so now you only had three more. Dwight just shrugs and begins working on the gen. You do the same and try not to think too hard about it. You do take into account the details about the throwing knives.

"Might be best to zigzag while being chased by him." You think to yourself as you repair the generator. You can hear a scream in the distance, indicating someone was hooked.

"I know that scream too well.. Dwight can you go get Yui?" You focus on him for the moment. He begins laughing nervously. You roll your eyes and get off the gen. "Nevermind, I'll go do it." He gives you a sigh of relief. You didn't mind helping your team though. But you knew Dwight was a coward. You leave the generator and quickly find Yui grabbing her off of the hook.

"Thank you (Y/N). Leon is being chased I believe.. but let me guess, Dwight didn't wanna save?" She leans down so you can heal her. You can't help but giggle though.

"Of course not. It's fine, I got you bestie." You give her a small smile and quickly heal her with your medkit that you didn't bother using on Dwight. As soon as you finish the heal Dwight goes down.. again. You let out a groan. "You have got to be kidding me? There's no way this new killer is THAT hard to loop." Yui rests her hand on your shoulder.

"It's Dwight, when is he ever good in chase? He can barely loop The Pig." Both of you let out giggles. Dwight was truly horrendous in chase. The two of you hear Dwight's scream and he dies immediately. You just remembered he made it to second state before you could save him before.

"Fuck, see this is why I told him to save you." You shake your head. Yui grabs your wrist and begins to pull you towards a generator.


You hear Leon's scream as he gets sacrificed to the entity. You somehow avoided the killer all game and you weren't sure how. Now it was a race to the hatch. You quickly make your way to the shack, hoping the hatch was there. But all of the sudden you feel sharp pain in your back and laughter following.

"There you are!" He sings as he continues to throw his knives at you. You don't even bother turning around and try to use your strategy of zigzagging. You make your way into the shack and quickly realize the hatch isn't there. You turn around to see the new killer and he was exactly what Dwight described. But he was quite frankly, extremely hot. As you continue to gawk at him he takes this opportunity to pin you against the wall. You begin to sweat nervously, giving off an awkward smile.

"Uhh hi there! Please don't kill me." You whimper out the last part. You look up at the man in front of you with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"I haven't seen you this entire trial angel~ I still need to have some fun with you." He grabs one of his knives and gently caresses your cheek with it. You flinch at the touch of the cold blade on your face. You stare at the blade on your cheek. He lowers his blade down to your neck and cuts the side of your neck. You wince at the action but you realize you like it and it gives you a small amount of pleasure.

"Please let me go!" You manage to say which makes him remove his blade from your neck. You look back up at his face to a very pleased expression on his face.

"What's your name beauty?" He keeps you pinned against the wall. You blush slightly at his compliment though.

"Um, I'm (Y/N)." Your eyes wander down to his chest. He has no shirt under his jacket. A chuckle can be heard from him before he put his hand under your chin and pulls your head up to look at him in the eyes.

"My eyes are up here." He continues to smirk at you. You just nod your head at the man in front of you. "I'm Ji-Woon, but before I let you go.. I want to hear you say my name princess." He grabs one of his blades with one hand and lifts up your shirt to reveal your stomach with his other hand. Your face turns red as you look away. He slices his blade against your stomach, you once again get some pleasure from it. You decide to do what he asked to get out of the trial.

"Ji-Woon!" You accidentally moaned out his name which was something he was not expecting, but he's definitely not disappointed. He chuckles at your response and removes his blade.

"Good girl~" he coos as he gets on his knees and licks the blood off of your stomach. You watch as he does so, your face somehow turning even more red. You definitely didn't even mean to moan his name like that. He stands back up and stares you in the eyes. "I think I'm going to enjoy you angel." He picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You don't bother to struggle and are too embarrassed and flustered to speak.

He carries you to the hatch and places you on your feet. You can't help but stare at him in awe. "Go on now beauty, before I change my mind." He gives you a wink.

"Thank you!" Was all you could manage to say before jumping through the hatch.

(word count: 1489)

Yay first chapter is out! I decided to write this because I absolutely adore Trickster. Regardless I hope you all enjoyed ♡

- Luna Starr

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