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Really ?? Yea i know u don't feel the same way and that's ok

No y/n I loved you too and for years, every since 4th grade when I first cut myself it was you there and Nb else just you and I thank you for that , I love you .

You stood up and look eren into his eyes, y'all stood there for a minute then eren opened his arms and you ran to him and hugged him tightly , he then picked you up and you then wrapped your legs around him and kissed him.

Through out the week, you and eren hung out. Go to group together you guys met some people along the way and got there phone number.  Even tho you weren't supposed to but it was usually just you to. Eren left a day before you because he came a day earlier than you.

You guys never really talked about the "I love you thing" not because you guys where trying to avoid things. It just simply never came up,and every time you where going to ask you forgot.

The day he got out,you didn't really do anything but pack your stuff up and talk to the other people u met there they where getting out  the same day as you , and y'all where arguing about if they really where going to call or not.

They day you got out your parents where there to pick you up,
Hey honey ,I've missed you, you didn't say anything you just walked right passed her and got in the car , you over heard a conversation outside the car
Between your parents.

I really don't understand why y/n won't talk to me I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry I can't fix what I did to her in the past all I can do is do better moving forward.

The truth is your mom really did feel bad she realized she did treat you like shit  she cried every night thinking about If you really died and how she didn't have any good memories of you.

I know honey just give her some time she will come around but you need to make an effort.

Your dad you loved him , after your mom would yell at your or you would have a bad day he was always there for you he bought you the clothes u had he bought you everything, when your told them that u where depressed he tried to talk your mom into getting you help. But all your mom said that you where fine.

You guys made it back home your mom opened the door u ran inside and went back to your room , when you went in there it was how you left it the memory
"No y/n"     "You don't have to cut yourself, I feel the same way"   You heard eren voice.

You still felt guilty an you know that would never be washed away. You starts to clean up you threw all your glass away , opened the window cleaned your stuff up but you don't like it you didn't want the memories . 

So you went to find your dad , when you found him he was in the kitchen with your mom, you gave her a glance that was all. You went up to your dad " hey dad I was wondering if I could have a new bed room , like throw all my  old stuff away and get new everything I don't want to attempt anymore  and that stuff just gives me more memories.

Sure honey I'll tak-"    Let me , says your mom let me take you. She gave you a  small smile. " fine whatever can we just go now ? "
Sure let me just go get my keys ,you can go out side if you want

And u did just that u went outside and waited by the car , your mom came outside and unlocked the car door.

You both go in she started up the car, so where do u wanna go? " the mall ig       
Ok then that's where we will go."

You guys had soft music playing in the car although you weren't really paying attention to the background music you where to far in your thoughts ,

Then your mom spoke , y/n I'm sorry, I know , I shouldn't ha- " hey mom just drop it sorry Doesn't fix anything it doesn't go back in the past and magically fix things dose it ? Uhh.. HUH? NO IT DOSENT IM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT THESE FAKE APOLOGIES THAT YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN CUT IT.

damn let's just go inside ..

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