Perfectly Acceptable

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The next morning, Diego and Klaus stared at you and Five as you walked downstairs together, eyebrows raised.

Five was dressed in an outfit that reminded you of a fisherman, the hat matching his shirt nicely.

You, meanwhile, were still in your clothes from the previous timeline.

"So," Klaus said casually as you sat at the table with them. "How was last night?"

"I slept well," you said, not meeting his eye.

"Me as well," Five added casually before clearing his throat, betraying his awkwardness. "Now. What's going on, Diego?"

"Huh?" Diego asked, looking up at him in surprise.

"You've been acting odd."

"Ooh, ooh, get this," Klaus said eagerly, placing his bagel down. "Our favorite dagger boy has a son. That little delinquent." He pointed to a boy who was probably about 12 or 13 over by the breakfast bar, and your eyes widened.


"Allegedly my son."

Klaus burst into laughter again, and you couldn't help but do the same.

"Wait, who's... who's the mother?" Five asked, returning with a two drinks and handing one to you.


"Wait, what?" Klaus asked mid-chew. You took a sip of the drink and relaxed when you realized it was just orange juice - thankfully, Five had given you a nonalcoholic beverage.

"Whoa, Lila's here?" Five asked, his eyes wide.

"Was," Diego corrected, staring at his feet. "She dropped him off in my lap last night and then bolted."

"I don't much care for that one," Klaus said, and you made a face at him.

"Don't," Diego said quickly, pointing a finger at him.

"Technically, she's family," Five said matter-of-factly.

"And I think she's brilliant," you said, taking another sip of the orange juice. "Well, I do now that she isn't trying to murder Five." Your hand tightened on the glass protectively at the memory. How funny that it hadn't even been 24 hours since that had happened.

"She was trying to murder everyone, like, yesterday," Klaus said in disbelief.

"Like I said, 'family'," Five said, tipping his head to the side in acknowledgement, and you snorted. "Diego, is she coming back?"

"Well, she goddamn better be, because we got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego bellowed the last part so that his son, who was sitting at another table, heard it.

Diego had a son. And you... had a nephew.

"Calm down," Klaus hissed. "Shh."

"He's your son," you said, snagging a bite of Klaus' bagel. "You have to take care of him, even if there's shit going on."

"Says who?"

You were interrupted by Vanya, who strode into the room with a short haircut and a determined expression.

"Where's Luther?"

"Who cares? Probably out for a... a run," Diego stuttered when he saw her altered appearance.

"Mm!" Klaus said as he took a gulp of his coffee. "Love the haircut."

Vanya nodded with a small smile before speaking again.

"So I, uh, I talked to Marcus last night."

"Wait, what? You talked with the enemy?" Diego asked. "By yourself?"

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