Chapter Ten

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Nathan introduced Katherine and I to his friends.
"So all three of you are vampires," Katherine said.
"Yes," Toby said.
"And you go to our school?" Katherine said pointing at Toby.
"Yes," Toby said.
"How come we don't see you in the hallways?" I said looking out to the lake.
"Because I'm not aloud to be in your hallway."
Katherine and I looked at each other.
"Why not?" Katherine said.
"There's a certain vampire that hates me. He's on the football team," Toby said.
"Jacob? Don't worry about him," I said.
It was silent for at least five minutes.
"What's that smell?" Katherine said looking around.
"Katherine!" A voice yelled from in the forest.
We all stood up fast.
Then Clarissa came out of the forest with the rest of the wolf pack.
We all ran to them.
"Claire," Katherine said with a tremble in her voice.
"He found us and burned our house down," Clarissa said, " We need to get away from here now."
We all ran the opposite way away from the burning house.
We got to Emmett's truck and we all got in and drove away.
"He's getting closer, why?" I said.
"It'll be okay Star, in the meantime you wolves can stay at one of my vacation houses," Nathan said.

Jacob's POV
I was sleeping when I heard the whistle, I got up so fast and stood next to the others.
Audrey was sitting at her desk facing away from us.
"Alex and Jacob come forth please," Audrey said.
I did what she said and came forward.
Alex looked at me.
"Yes mother," we both said.
Audrey turned to look at us.
She was in tears.
"Doctor Royal set the wolves house on fire."
"Where are they now?" Alex said.
"There with another Royal Family."
"Who?" I said.
"Nathan, the boy who saved Star."
I looked down at my feet, I didn't know what to say I just felt so angry.
"So I need you two to go make sure there okay and take Caleb, Xavier, Chelsea and Lindsay please," Audrey said.
"Yes mother, we will go right away," Alex said.
I slammed my door shut and slammed my fist against the wall.
"What is the matter with you!" Audrey said coming into my room.
"Nathan is with Star!"
Audrey walked towards me, "If I find out that Nathan is hurt I will strip you of your vampire teeth!"
"Am I making myself clear!"
"Yes mother," I said.
Then she walked out of my room.

Star's POV
"Thank you for letting us stay here," Katherine said.
"Of course," Nathan said.
The wolves were getting comfortable in the vacation house.
"So, he knows where we are," I said.
"He wants you Star," Clarissa said standing behind me.
"But why me?"
"You're the strongest special one."
"I don't know how to work my sides so how am I the strongest?" I said sitting on the counter.
"He's a scientist, he wants your power to kill us," Nathan said coming into the kitchen.
We both looked at each other.
"He won't get to you, I won't let him touch you," Nathan said.
"Promise me that he won't take me," I said.
"We won't let anything happen to you Star," Clarissa said.
"I'm going to lay down for awhile," I said.
"I'll take you to your room Star," Nathan said coming with me.
Nathan walked me upstairs to my bedroom.
"You should be safe here for awhile until we find a new place," Nathan said.
I took my shoes off and got under the covers.
Nathan was still in the room but he was quiet.
There was nothing else to say, all I know is that I needed some rest, so I closed my eyes.

Jacob's POV

Xavier pulled into the driveway of the vacation house.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Chelsea said looking worried.
I looked down at the piece of paper with the address on it.
"The address looks right," I said.
"I hate wolves," Caleb said.
"Too bad, let's go," I said getting out of the car.
We walked up the steps to the front door.
The door opened, Katherine was standing in the doorway.
"Come in," she said stepping out of our way.
As I walked into the house the only thing I could smell was wet dog.
We waited to make sure that the door was closed so we could talk.
"Is anyone hurt?" Xavier said.
"No," Katherine said.
"And Star?" I said.
"She's resting upstairs," she said going into the kitchen.
We all followed her.
Clarissa was sitting down at the table.
"Did you have any trouble getting here?" Clarissa said.
"No ma'am," I said sitting across from her.
"I sent one of my wolves to inform Star's parents that we are here," Clarissa said.
I nodded my head.

Steve's POV

I was washing the dishes while Angel is in the shower.
It's been a month since we haven't seen our daughter. We are scared that she might have gotten kidnapped by Dr. Adam but we would have gotten word from them if she did get kidnapped.
As I dried my hands with the towel I heard a noise.
It was a noise that I had heard before.
As I walked out of the kitchen, the noise got louder as I got closer.
It was a high-pitched whine, but not just any whine, no, this was a special whine, a wolf whine.
It had been ages since I have had heard this whine. This whine means that there is something important.
As I opened the front door I could see it out in the distance, it was coming towards me. It wasn't running, no, it was taking its time, because it has traveled too far from home.

Nathan's POV
I waited until she was finally asleep to leave the room. I gently closed the door and quietly went downstairs.
As I walked into the kitchen, I recognized the vampire who came to get Star from my house.
He looked at me with cold eyes.
"Where is she?" He said.
"She just fell asleep," ai said walking to the sink.
I could feel his eyes burning in the back of my head.
"Do you think I'm cute?" I said turning around to look at him.
Everyone looked at me.
"What?" He said standing up.
"Jacob don't," one of the vampires said.
"Why are you staring so hard at me?" I said.
Then the next thing I knew was that I was on top of the kitchen table while everyone was trying to get Jacob off of me.
"That's enough!" A male voice said.

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