Chapter Six

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Star's POV

It felt like I was in my bed, but when my feet touched the ground I remembered that I was with Nathan. I slowly moved my head from Nathan's chest. I had my eyes closed the whole entire time.

"You can open your eyes now," Nathan said. I opened my eyes slowly to see Nathan standing in front of me. "Your safe Star." 

I looked around, we were in a dark room. "Where are we?" I said. "My house," Nathan said turning on the light. 

The walls were painted white and decorated with pictures and poster's. There was a queen size bed with blue and gold bedding, two white bed side tables with a lamp on each table, a walk in closet, a master bathroom, and a white desk and chair. The desk had nothing on it but a black place mat.

"Your friend said that she was going to call you right?" Nathan said behind me. 

I turned around. Nathan was in gray sweatpants, and a plain blue t-shirt. "Yeah." "Well, until then, you'll stay here. I'll find you some extra clothes to change in to,"  Nathan said leaving the room.

One of the pictures on the wall caught my eye. It was a picture of Nathan in basketball clothes holding a basketball, he had a really big smile on his face. He had a lot of pictures of him with friends and family. They were really nice pictures too.

I heard people talking in the hallway. I wanna see her! a voice said. I turned to see a little girl and an older woman standing in the doorway. 

"Wow! She's really pretty!" the little girl said. I smiled. 

Nathan came back in to the room with some clothes. "This is my little sister Zoe." "Hi. Your really pretty," Zoe said. "Awe, thank you so much," I said walking towards them.

"And this is my mom, Diana. This is Star, she's just like us." I looked at Nathan's mom.

"It's such an honor to meet you," Diana said. I smiled, "You too." 

Nathan handed me the clothes, "Get dressed and come downstairs." "Okay."

Katherine's POV

I found Jacob and Alex standing by the elevators. "Okay, so before you get mad. Star left with another special one," I said. Jacob looked angry. "Let me finish. I think Star trusts  him, she'll be safe. I told her that I would call." 

All three of us went to go find Clarissa and Audrey. Jacob didn't say a word to me, I know that he's mad at me but I don't care. I know that Jacob likes Star, but he can't be mad at me for not taking Star out of here and somewhere safe. I couldn't protect Star by myself.

We were turning the corner when we bumped in to the snake. "Hello again," Rachael said with a smirk on her face. "Hey baby sister!" Clarissa said hugging Rachael.

Audrey joined in the hug. "Long time no see," Audrey said letting go along with Clarissa. Rachael looked at them. 

"What? Are we not aloud to say hi to you," Clarissa said. Rachael rolled her eyes and left.

We waited until she was out of sight. Then we all went to a room. 

Alex and I sat on the bed, Jacob put his back against the wall. Audrey closed the door and stood by Clarissa in the middle of the room.

"Is she safe?" Audrey said. "She's with another special one." "That's good." "How is that good?" Jacob said, "Star might be in danger! And we're here doing nothing but wasting time!" 

"That's enough Jacob," Audrey said. "We know the special one's very well, they would never hurt another one like them," Clarissa said.

"How do you know that?" Jacob said. "That doesn't matter now Jacob. What matters is keeping Star in hiding and far away from the Doctor," I said.

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