Chapter 1: Murderer's POV

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The vital thing to remember when committing a murder is not getting caught. Seeing as, if your caught, you get put in prison, then hanged and then you're dead. I guess it's one of the thrills of my... profession. You see, ever since a young age, I have excelled at all things unladylike, maths, science, astronomy, politics and law et cetera, and seeing as my parents came from a poor back ground, there was no use for my talents in the saw mill, so I took to the streets.

The streets of Victorian London are horrible and cruel places to be, especially for a young girl, like me at the time, to be roaming around without a leash. I was wild and soon adapted to its harsh environment slowly becoming what civilised people call 'feral'. I call it becoming me.

My parents did not approve of this new me when I came back to them a few years later, but took me back under their wings like the loving parents they... were.

They died.

They were protecting me from the factory supervisor. I was stupid enough to mess up the chain of production, creating a domino effect of chaos. They took the blame for my mistake, they got beaten for my mistake and they died for my mistake. We were starving and skinny, our organs were slowly failing us and the beating tipped them over the edge. My seven-year-old-self swore on her life that she would bring justice to her parents and punish those who wronged my parents, me and my friends (I didn't and don't have many due to my... profession) and oh boy have I kept that promise...

I've dedicated my life to avenge my parent's deaths. Starting with the factory supervisor.

I murdered him.

It felt good getting my revenge. Watching him die in front of my eyes.

But I wasn't satisfied. I longed for my parents. I longed for freedom. That's when I decided to hunt down every wrong doer.

Rid them from the Earth they didn't belong in.

So, I did.

And not once was I close to being caught.

Until now... 

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