Chapter 3: Eleanor's POV

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On the morning of the 31st of October, Nurse not-so-small called me into her office and told me some very exciting news. A new girl from France was joining my form. Her name was Rosalind Pierre, and I was determined that the two of us would become the best of friends. You see, while I was one of the most well-known people in the school, there was not that particular person who I would call my best friend. There was partner in crime, there was enemy, there was frenemy, but not best friend.

Most of my year were very nice, but I hadn't found that person who I 'clicked with' that was why I was excited to become friends with Rosalind. I waited in anticipation for Rosalind to arrive. She arrived around 11am so I got to miss performing arts with Mrs Cregana (I was the most dramatic in the class. It wouldn't affect my learning). My first impression of Rosalind was that she was quite pretty Her straight-golden hair fell down around her face in just the right way. Her fashion sense was impeccable and she had a curious look in her eye that was masked by her nervousness. I gave her a reassuring grin and she returned it cautiously. Nurse Small introduced me to Rosalind and she introduced herself in French, her accent was very nice, she seemed to be uncomfortable talking in English so I spoke in French to talk to her "Bonjour! Bienvenue à Monsieur Jonathon Manhart! Préférez-vous parler en français ou anglais?"

She nodded then gave me a weak smile before responding in English "I do prefer to speak French; however, I am aware that your knowledge of French may not be so wide so we can converse in English."

Nurse Small closed the doors and stated "I'm glad to see you getting on already, Eleanor show Rosalind around the school then report to the Headmistresses office at lunchtime"

I nodded "Will do, Nurse Small" I grabbed Rosalind by the wrist excitedly, before dragging her out into the corridor.

"Welcome to Sir Johnathon Manhart's." I grinned, "I'm in Form 3," I looked at her briefly, "You'll probably be in Form 3 too," I clapped my hands enthusiastically and then practically began skipping down the corridor, I stopped realising Rosalind was struggling to keep up with her skipping.

"Oh yes, as you know, my name is Eleanor but my friends call me Ella, so you may too!"

She nodded thoughtfully before speaking to her, "Je suis ravi de – I am delighted to meet you, Ella. My name is Rosalind," I stopped and looked across at her, she looked at me curiously almost waiting for me to say something (I'm assuming about her accent) but all I said was "You have the most beautiful French accent Rosalind, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself as I'd love to get to know you"

Rosalind Blushed bright red then started to tell me about herself, her family and her pets. I found her very interesting and it was almost funny how excitable she was.

"What fun you must get up to here" She exclaimed as we ascended the stairs to the top floor.

I gave a grin that could rival a Chesire cat and replied "Trust me, once the term is in full swing you won't want to go home"

After what felt like hours of us exploring, the lunch bell rang making Rosalind jump so we slowly headed to the Headmistress' office. We descended the first flight with ease Rosalind slightly nervously and me whizzing down the banister squealing with delight. Unfortunately, we quickly ran into a crowd which made me utter something a lady should not say. We quickly ran into the crowd descending into the lunch hall. Which displeased me since I had to stop sliding down the banister

We joined the flood of students going as slow as a snail.

"Hallo Ella," I turned to see who was calling my name however when I caught the persons eyes, I blushed bright red and dragged Rosalind away from the crowd and too Mrs Lastwon's office. The plaque on the door that read "Headmistress" showed my reflection so I brushed down my pleated grey skirt and my blazar, straightened my red tie before I knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I flashed Rosalind a quick smile before I pushed open the door. Rosalind followed me inside; she stopped a short distance from the headmistresses' desk while I closed the door before taking my place slightly behind Rosalind.

I was about to not describe Mrs Lastwon, having seen her so many times however I forget that some people do not know what she looks like. Mrs Lastwon has a powerful air to her however her facial features we set in a soft smile. Her blond hair was pulled back into a plait and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses were perched on her nose.

"Welcome, welcome" the headmistress started before she introduced herself to Rosalind before making a joke that it was obvious that she was the headmistress due the plaque on her door.

"I have called you here to inform you of the school expectations" her smiling face became serious however I zoned out while she was explaining the rules to Rosalind. I was only brought back to Earth when she mentioned my name.

"Eleanor, please escort Miss Pierre to your dorm and just as a tip, please refrain from sliding down the banisters when the teachers are looking"

I was fuming. Rosalind and I walked briskly out of the headmistress' office before I let my anger go.

"WHICH TEACHER SNITCHED ON ME? You watch. I'm going to figure out who it was and I will make them pay for that." I continued to rant - furiously. I suddenly had an idea of who it was that ratted me out "I bet it was Nancy. She is going to pay. Oh...she is going to pay."

My face morphed into an evil grin. I stormed down the corridor not paying attention to the fact that Rosalind had to jog to keep up with me. After passing the busy dining hall I turned and ran up the staircase 2 steps at a time. When I reached the Common room, I slammed the door shut (obviously after Rosalind was in there). A girl with mousy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail looked up. It was Felicity – just the person I was looking for. I whispered a few words to Felicity before turning back to Rosalind who was staring out of the window towards the marvellous view of the sea. I approached her, making her jump out of her skins as I apologetically said "Sorry you had to see that; I shall take my revenge later. Anyway, welcome to the 3rd form common room, let me help you get settled in."

Rosalind grinned "It's fine, honestly, I was due a run anyway"

I chuckled then asked curiously "You run?"

She nodded; a smile still present on her face (I'm glad she didn't think that my questions were offensive) "I used to do it quite a lot in France. I was hoping I could continue it now that I am here."

I made a face, I am not a fan of running on its own, then nodded "I'm more of a hockey person, but everyone is allowed their own special thing"

After that I lead her towards the door in the corner of the room. As we walked across the room, I pointed to a door near the exit of the common room "that" I said with a hint of warning in my voice "Is the boys dorm. Never. Whatever you do. Go in there if you care about your sanity."

I led her into the dormitory and led her to her bed (the bed closest to the window). I pointed to the beds and as I did so, I said the names of their respective owners. "Nancy, Maya, Victoria, Daisy, Elizabeth, Sophia, Morgan, Felicity, Me and you."

I put my hands on my hip then after one thoughtful moment looking over at Nancy's bed an evil grin spread across my face. I went to my bedside cabinet and took out a balloon. After quickly blowing it up, I tucked the balloon underneath her pillow, making it look as though it was plumped. I looked over at Rosalind and put my finger across my lips hoping that she would get the hint, she did. I sauntered back over to her and motioned to the bag she was holding "You'd better change into that uniform otherwise you'll get your head ripped off by nurse small."

With that I left her to get changed. 

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