Chapter 2 Rosalind POV

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When my father's automobile pulled up outside the grand entrance of the manor house, at first glance I didn't realise that it was a school. You see, I was born in France (and raised there for a matter of fact), I went to school in France, the school's there were nowhere near as grand as these English schools. So, when we moved to England, I was glad that I would finally have some good architecture to draw. Not that Paris didn't have any amazing, breath-taking architecture but since I spend most of my time in school. It would be convenient to have stunning architecture on my doorstep.

While I was admiring the grand building, father was ordering our chauffeur, Guillaume, around as he got my trunk out of the boot of father's automobile. Once he had finished doing that, he walked round the automobile until he was next to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

"This school, Rosalind, will make you into a young woman, fit for British society. You will be educated ad looked after here, while I go back to France to finish transferring my business to England, when I come back, we will see how it goes." Father straightened his suit absent-mindedly, "Guillaume will walk you to the front doors." Father turned to the automobile, "I will wait here for his return, then we will depart for the ferry to France."

"Why won't you come with me to the front doors, Father?" I asked, puzzled that he didn't want to walk me to the front doors.

"I- "Father breathed in deeply, "Do not trust myself to hold it together."

I nodded still not understanding.

"Venez donc, Mademoiselle" Guillaume suggested.

I nodded and hugged my father, before following Guillaume up the winding path towards the manor-like house.

I turned round a few steps up the path and waved to my father. He brushed his eyes quickly then waved back. Guillaume hadn't stopped and waited for me so I ran to catch up with him, my blue dress swirling round my ankles as I did so.

As we neared the large house, the smell of salt drifted from the sea behind the house. My budding artist instincts roared with gratitude. I made a mental note to ask whether we could go down to the sea.

Guillaume and I reached the heavy-looking wooden doors of the manor and he knocked on the door. It was opened by kind looking lady who I later found out to be called Nurse Small.

"Are you Miss Rosalind Pierre?" She asked in her warm voice.

I took a small breath before nodding then replying "Oui, c'est moi" then stopped, realising that I was speaking French before switching to English, "Yes that is me." My French accent seems to show itself most when I am nervous. She motioned me to come inside so I turned back to Guillame and nervously whispered "Au revoir Guillaume"

"Au revoir, Mademoiselle Pierre" He replied, louder than I would've liked, before turning and making his way back to the automobile, leaving my case on the step.

I picked up my case and took a deep breath and walked through the grand oak doors, following Nurse Small. Nurse Small was not small at all, she was rather tall, she was waiting with a small girl who had an air of importance around her. She was very pretty, with long curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. As I walked into the building, she smiled at me and seeing this, Nurse Small introduced herself and the girl to me. "Miss Pierre, this is Eleanor Gresham, a very responsible student, she will be entrusted with the duty of showing you around." Nurse Small said, with a smile.

"Bonjour Eleanor, Je m'apelle Rosalind" I gave a shy smile hoping that I didn't need to embarrass my French accent by switching to English. To my delight, Eleanor grinned back confidently and said in perfect French "Bonjour! Bienvenue à Monsieur Jonathon Manhart préférez-vous parler en français ou anglais?"

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