Chapter 5: Ella's POV

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Note: Unlike the last Ella's POV we have decided to make this take place without relation to the last chapter unlike Chap. 1 and chap. 2, just so we can move the story forward quickly. Anyway, back to the story.

On Friday 13th, the week after Rosa arrived (since Rosalind and I had become best friends, she allowed me - and only me to call her Rosa), Rosa and I were reading in the library, when I witnessed something rather unusual.

Now despite what Rosa says, I was not being nosy, I was simply minding my own business reading a great book (The mysterious affair at styles by Agatha Christie) when the unusual occurrence happened. I witnessed 8 teachers going out to the cliff-top view of the sea which was nothing extraordinarily out of the ordinary as it quite often happens in the summer however, I was perplexed as to why they were going to the cliffs in November.

"Strange" I muttered

Rosa, who was completely absorbed by 'A study in Scarlett' by Arthur Conan Doyle, didn't hear me at first however a minute later she looked up and asked "Sorry, did you say something?"

The slightly puzzled look on my face did not stop when I responded "Yes, I said strange. 8 teachers have gone out to the cliff-top view by the sea. In November."

"They could be going to the village" Rosa suggested.

"Possibly," I thought "However it is much safer to take the inland path at this time of year seeing as the sea around these parts is quite... unpredictable."

Rosa shrugged before turning back to her book. I sighed before turning back to my own book. Around 2 hours later (What? They were good books!), there was a commotion outside. The teachers were back. No – wait there was only 7.

All the teachers were looking distressed, I could tell by the concerned, cautious way they were walking, as well as the tears streaming down Mrs Atkinson's face. I narrowed my eyes, counting and naming the teachers in my head, then retrieving the image of the teachers going out from earlier (photographic memory, don't ask).


Where was Mr Atkinson?

I immediately discarded my book and peered out of the window. Perhaps he got lost I wondered. No, Mr Atkinson has been working here for about 10 years, I don't think he would get lost. The possibility of even the thought was very small. I nudged Rosa and whispered "All the teachers except Mr Atkinson are back, where do you think he is?"

Rosa looked up with a rather miffed expression. I guessed she had got to the good bit of the book, however when she processed what I had just said she gazed out of the window, looking thoughtful before suggesting "Maybe he decided to go to the village to do some shopping. For Christmas, maybe?"

I looked thoughtful for a moment. "Then why would Mrs Atkinson be in tears?"

Rosa narrowed her eyes.

I let my eye wander and ended up glancing down at the two books in our hands, I grinned as a marvellous idea struck my train of thought. "What if we start a detective society, and try to find out what happened to Mr Atkinson."

I was bubbling with excitement whereas Rosa looked a bit apprehensive. "We could... but we might not be detecting for long."

I shrugged "Even if we are only detecting for a few hours, it'll be fun and good experience."

Rosa looked unsure for a moment more, before she grinned. "Why not?"

I literally jumped in excitement. "All the good detectives have a group name...?"

Rosalind's eyes lit up with a spark as I saw an idea crash into her head, "Since the idea came from my Sherlock Holmes book, why don't we call ourselves 'Sherlock's circle', unless you have another idea."

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