Chapter 8: Rosalind's POV

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Small note: Rosalind stormed out of the library at the end of chapter 7 part 2. The document (annoyingly) didn't save :(

How dare he. How dare he intrude on our conversation. How dare he intrude on a lady's conversation. Arghhhhhh! WHY ON EARTH DID HE HAVE TO SHOW UP WHEN OUR CONVERSATIONS ACTUALLY GOT INTRESTING!!

Infuriated by Alexander. I stormed out of the library, but instead of storming to the staircase, I thundered out of the door which led to the playing fields and the cliffs. I walked along the small path separating the playing fields and turning down to the cliffs. The setting sun warmed my cheeks as I battled through the undergrowth. I burst out onto the other side and sat down by the edge of the cliff. I breathed out letting out an exasperated shout.

My shoulders relaxed as I stared at the ocean, its calm waves lulling me until I became completely unaware of my surroundings. My legs swung over the side of the cliff in a relaxed manner and zoned out completely.

I thought of my old home in France, with its neat little garden that I had to leave behind. I thought of my cat, Gingembre, the poor thing must be so scared, travelling across the English Channel. I wondered if I would get to go back to my home in France. We had moved, father had said, on business and it wasn't likely that we would go back to France, especially to my home, which I had grown up in since day 1.

Despite this hope, I knew deep down my father had sold it, he had no use for it and since Father was a very practical man the odds of still having the house in our possession was slim. I was brought back to my senses by a particularly vigorous wave that slapped the bottom of the cliff, violently. I felt very relaxed, the sound of the waves soothed my fury and irritation. Since it was November, it got dark very quickly, even though it is only 3pm, according to my watch, and the sky had started to turn an eerie (but beautiful) vivid violet.

This piece of information surprised me, I was very unaware of how long I had spent sitting on the edge of the cliff. Thankfully, being the very prepared person that I am, I had a flashlight in my pocket.

A sudden loud crunching sound alerted my senses.

There was some one walking along the unkept path.

I stayed very still; I didn't want to alert the person about my whereabouts.

The footsteps were heavy. I begged silently that the Police officers hadn't come back to the scene of the crime.

The person showed no sign of stopping, so I glanced around looking for an ideal hiding place. With no time to regret my decision, I dived into the nearby bramble bush just as the person emerged from the grips of nature. My vantage point was very difficult to see the figure's face, but in their hand, closest to me, was a leather folder. The cogs in my head whirred and clicked as I saw the figure raise its hand and hurl the folder into the churning sea below before ducking back into the invasive foliage and headed away.

Once I was positive the figure was gone, I slipped out of the brambles with minor scratches on my palms and arms. I shook my head as I glanced downwards. Whoever had tried to get rid of these obviously hadn't thought this through properly as the tide was coming in. Meaning the folder wouldn't be swept away.


I legged it down the path and turned sharply down the small narrow ledge, leading down to the cove with one thought on my mind. I need to get that folder. It could be evidence. It could be something vital to the case. It could even be something a part of a completely different case (I know that is a slim chance however you never know, there had just been a murder after all). Or it could just be some homework a sixth form student didn't want and needed a back up story to dispose of it.

Getting away with murder 101Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon