Chapter 4: Rosalind POV

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As instructed, I got changed.

Ella left the room, while assuring me that she won't let anyone through the door while I am changing and to knock three times on the door when I finished. I changed quickly, an uncanny habit of mine, into the uniform that the headmistress had so kindly put together for me; a grey bonnet, skirt and matching blazer with a pair of rather short stockings (I am quiet unnaturally tall, I blame my mother), a white shirt and lastly a striking red tie.

I was suddenly quite thankful that I had been made to watch as my father did his ties before work, so I did it with ease. I grabbed my bonnet from my bed and flew to the door and knocked three times, but before I could knock a third time the door was jerked open by a rather curious Eleanor.

I watched her eyes fly straight to my tie and nodded approvingly. I glanced down at her own tie and saw it was the same vibrant red as mine.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" complimented Ella, "The colours really suit you."

I blushed at the compliment, "Merci, tu es magnifique aussi."

Ella's eyebrows furrowed as she calculated the French in her head. After a minute, her thinking face broke into a terrific grin that met her eyes. She curtseyed and wondered over to a small clock on the mantel piece. She was staring at it – she looked as though she had zoned out. I narrowed my eyes as she straightened up and pulled down on her blazer in excitement

"Are you okay Ella?" I asked slightly nervously. For the extremely brief time that I had known her a new wicked expression crossed her face.

"Oh yes I'm fine, never been better," She grinned mischievously, she was hiding something, "I just – well – you'll see. Come along now. We have etiquette with Mrs Taylor, so we better go now so as not to be late. She is extremely strict you see..."

First sign of hiding something: procrastination.

I nodded, Ella had told me about Mrs Taylor and her fearsome reputation when she had shown me down the corridor on the ground floor (THERE WAS ALSO A DOOR TO THE SEA! YESSS). We left the dormitory and took off to the classroom which was on the ground floor, which meant yet some more walking down stairs. We made some ground as we journeyed at a rather unnaturally brisk Eleanor-pace.

We were the first people to get there, when we did, Ella snuck into the room and took something out of her blazer pocket. It was a flattish looking balloon and I remembered instantly that it was a whoopee cushion. I giggled. She put it on the chair of her chosen victim, before turning to me and whispering "That will serve Nancy right, now let's go and wait outside."

With that, we both scampered out of the Etiquette classroom. There was a girl waiting outside, the same girl that was in the common room, she nodded to Ella respectfully before bringing her sharp blue eyes to Rosalind.

"Rosalind, this is Felicity. Felicity, Rosalind. Felicity is our very own class clown," Ella stated.

Felicity grinned then waved her hand in the air dismissively, "Oh please, I merely cause delightful entertainment. I am not a clown."

As Ella howled with laughter, I grinned at Felicity, offering her my hand for her to shake, and I said, with the same posh lady-like tone, "Greetings, Felicity, pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Felicity smirked and daintily shook my hand, extending her pinkie as she did so.

While Ella was busy practically rolling around on the floor laughing, Felicity bit her lip then smiled, "Hello, nice to meet you, Rosalind and by my amazing powers of deduction," she pulled a thinking face, "You're the French transfer student, right?"

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