Chapter 7 (part 1): Charles' POV

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 Little reminder: Charles and Josephine Porter are Eleanor's younger cousins that are in 1st form.

Now, Eleanor asked me to write my account of the trip to village when we got back since I was an eyewitness. So, here it is. Enjoy.

Me and Josephine, as we are in first form, decided it would be a rather splendid idea to go down to the village this weekend, which is exactly what we did. We went with Mrs Cregana and Mr Simon. Mr Simon was jumpy, especially when Josephine asked him whether we would be able to use the loo in the village (He literally nearly flew into orbit).

Anyway, the two unnaturally jumpy teachers took us to the village, and all was well. We ran wild for a bit in the village, before we were summoned by the teachers so that they could escort us back to school. As we walked back (We went back along the cliff side. Curtesy of Josephine), Mrs Cregana stopped suddenly halfway along the narrow path, causing the nattering 3rd formers near the front to nearly bump into her.

We were right next to the cliff, so everyone was perplexed as to why we had stopped in this precise place. Mrs Cregana's eyes grew wide and started to whisper to herself turning paler and paler with each breath, it was as though she had seen a ghost. Excuse my poor choice of words. Josephine (my twin sister), who was near the front and had the cunning to follow Mrs Cregana's eyes to the hidden cove and helpfully gasped loudly, "There's a body at the bottom of the cliff, it looks like a teacher!"

Rather startled, everyone turned to there partners started to mutter to each other. The some of the braver ones closest to the cliff edge Helen Smyth, a girl in my year and a friend of Josie's, started to tear up. I don't blame her, we were young students who had just heard of the death of a teacher, we saw their body too. If that isn't traumatizing, then I don't know what is. Mrs Creganna tried to usher everyone back however no one was listening. People were running around, panicking and had no idea what to do.

Josie suggested that we go and find Ella to tell her what had happened. Ella was the type of person who wanted to know everything. She has always been like that, ever since we were young. Josie and I darted away from the crowd of slightly hysterical 1st formers. We quickly ran to the school and when we got inside, we dashed around looking for Ella. We found her in the corridor talking to her best friend Rosalind. One thing Josie and I had noticed is that Ella seemed have multiple different personalities. When around teachers she was a carefree girl who was incredibly intelligent and very secretive, when she was around her form, she behaved like a rebellious teenager who had a few secrets however when she was around Rosalind Pierre, she seemed herself. She acted as she did at home, extremely smart, loved to know everything and she had a fondness of pulling pranks. I don't think Ella had many secrets from Rosalind even though they had only known each other for a week.

"Ella" I exclaimed "on the way back from the village Ms Cregana and Mr Simons discovered a body. We think it belonged to a teacher"

Ella shot Rosalind a look before she responded "What, who, when"

"We aren't sure which teacher however it definitely wasn't a student or someone from the village, they looked sort of familiar," Josie responded

"Are you ok Jos, Char?" Ella asked before continuing "Thanks for letting me know, run along to your common rooms so you don't get into trouble."

Now despite her 'don't care' exterior, Ella did care about those who she loved/deeply cared for. Josie and I ran off to our common room while Ella turned to talk to Rosalind.   

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