eleven; evergreen

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"spider! spider! wait!" tia called after him, letting go of ant's hand and to try and catch up to spider, "spider, please!"

spider didn't stop, but he did slow down and she managed to catch up to him and grab his arm. she bit down on her bottom lip and tried not to get upset, "just please, stop for a second." she pleaded.

he leant his head back as he turned toward her, not looking her in the eye. "what?" he huffed.

"can you please- i just need to know, have i.. have i done something wrong?" she asked quickly, unconsciously squeezing his arm as she spoke, "i don't understand what's going on, because i thought we were becoming friends, but now i feel like you're mad at me. i'm really sorry if i've done something, and if you could tell me what it was, because i've had a lot of caffeine, so i'm speaking really fast and i'm getting really upset and i need to know so i don't cry in the middle of the hall infront of you!"

tia's voice rose as she rambled and she felt the backs of her eyes stinging so she looked down for a moment to try and catch her breath.

she released his arm as soon as she realised she hadn't let go, she felt like she was hyperventilating a little and she couldn't understand why he felt so important to her.

then spider softened, he relaxed, and he couldn't figure out why he had been freezing her out the way he was. even though he felt this way, she didn't know; she didn't know he liked her and she didn't know the way she had befriended malakai made him burn with jealousy.

he realised for all she knew he'd just decided to stop being friendly after they'd both put effort into their friendship. acting almost how he was before he felt the tiniest smidge of possibility that she could feel the same way as him one day.

"i'm sorry." he sighed, he ran a hand through his hair and avoided looking at her as much as he could. "you haven't done anything wrong, i promise. i'm sorry i've upset you."

tia blinked up at him and he looked away in embarrassment, "i still don't get it."

"i was just... being fuckin' stupid, nothing happened." his voice had lowered and he looked back at her, "i was just having a moment and acting shit for no reason. i'm sorry,  i'm an idiot sometimes." he'd tell the truth for her; well, half the truth, he was not going to confess his feelings.

tia chewed on her lip and stepped closer to him to get out of someone's way, nodding her head, "why are men so stupid?" she sighed, relaxing and running a hand through her hair to brush it over her shoulder.

"i will never know," he smiled a little, "women are pretty crazy, too."

her face dropped and she wacked his arm, "you're a bitch." she scoffed, tugging his sleeve to pull him with her as she made her way back over to ant who rolled his eyes at spider.


"i mean, he's still a dick, but at least he doesn't hate me." tia told amerie as they walked up a set of stairs toward their next class.

amerie went to interject but before she could, dusty decided to appear.

"hey!" he exclaimed, walking up behind them and startling tia so much she screamed a little.

he kept his eyes on amerie but slung an arm around tia's shouders. "really glad you's could make it to the gig." he said, nudging amerie's shoulder.

"oh, thanks." amerie muttered,

"yeah, it was an epic night," he brushed over, getting to his point immediately, "not sure if, uh, harper had a good time or not though."

they rounded a corner and tia pushed his arm off her shoulder. amerie made a face, "uh, we wouldn't know."

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