chapter 7

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The two of them are at the airport now, Mek is in tears because he will be away from his family for a long time, including Rees.

"Don't dramatize me?" Mek said crying with laughter, Rees wiped his tears and took a deep breath.

"Call when you get there, take care of yourself" but no matter what Rees tried to stop, he was unsuccessful, Rees's tears continued to flow, and Mek kissed Rees on the lips.

"Don't replace me, I know I'll be gone for a long time, but that doesn't mean I'll be out of your life" Rees smiled at Mek's cheesy line.

"Your cheesiness is embarrassing to your parents" Mek's family laughed.

"We're used to him" joked Mek's father.

After the conversation, Mek left, and Rees stayed at the condo. When he entered, the atmosphere was sad, something was missing around him.

"It's okay Rees, just think that he wasn't there that long" Rees calmed himself down.

He and Mek talk on video calls sometimes Rees's mommy goes to the condo to visit him.

"How are you, son?" his mommy asked, Rees, gasped because he didn't know how to tell his mommy.

His mom noticed this and came closer to him, he held Rees's hand, and Rees looked at his mom, he understood what his mom wanted to tell him, and that's why Rees cried all the pain he feels until now, he's still not used to it. excluding Mek.

"I miss him so much mom" Rees sobs.

"I can see my son, but you have to wait for him I know this is for your future" His mommy advised.

"What if he finds someone else who can build him better, what if he never comes back to me?" There were many questions in Rees's mind that he could not get rid of, he was afraid because he was far away from his company.

"Don't you trust Mek, I know he can't do that" Her mom hugged him to calm down, and Rees gains more trust from what his mother told him. "Because I know when someone loves you no matter where they go, they will come back to you" Rees smiled and hugged his mother tighter.

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