chapter 8

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Rees was at a party attended by Mek's classmates, for others their love story is the inspiration for couples because the story of how they met is popular in the university.

While Rees was on the side, he was just sitting while drinking, Mek's classmates moved towards him, and Rees was surprised because he was not that close to his seniors.

"How's Mek?" One of the four asked.

"Ahh, he's okay there, he has a lot of friends and he's changing a bit, but he can handle it" When Rees told the story.

"It's good that Mek has already arrived in LA, I'm jealous of Mek"

"What about you? Why didn't you apply for the LA scholarship?" One of Mek's classmates asked, and the person next to him immediately elbowed the one who asked because everyone knows on campus that Rees didn't pass for the scholarship.

"Your mouth, sorry Rees to disturb you we have to go," he said and then they left in front of Rees.

At the party, Rees always asked him and said nice things about Mek. Rees seemed to lose confidence when he told them why he couldn't follow Mek.

When he got back to the condo, he saw on the phone that Mek had called him, so he called again.

"I was calling a while ago, where did you go, wait, are you drunk?" Mek asked

"No, I'm tired" Rees put the phone down on the study table and lay down on the bed, but Rees still heard Mek's voice.

"What's the problem? We already talked about not getting drunk, especially when I'm not there." There was concern in Mek's voice.

"Why am I not allowed to drink Mr. Perfect?" Rees said sarcastically to Mek which surprised him."Love, just sleep so you can talk to me properly tomorrow" Mek turned off the video call, Rees was still crying.

When Rees woke up, he remembered what he had done to Mek, he felt guilty about what he had done, so he called Mek but he didn't answer, he went to Mek's IG, and he saw Mek posted a lot of pictures and nice comments.

Rees felt jealous again because he didn't experience a supportive family and a good life, and that's why he took a break from everything, he didn't contact Mek or even Mek's family, he left Mek's condo, he worked while studying, everyone didn't know where Rees is.

After four years.

Mek graduated back to the country where his family welcomed him, Mek's parents were angry with Rees because Mek almost killed himself because of what Rees did to him but Mek met someone so he could not continue.

"Hi, uncle" The tall, handsome greeted his father.

"I'm Jaycee," he said, and his parents smile at Mek.

"What? oh he is my Friend" Mek said smiling

Jaycee has courted him but Mek never say yes, he can't love again but Jaycee is ready to wait for him.

while they were on the trip, Mek saw the university and he remembered the memories of the two of him and Rees, until now Mek still cries every time he remembers that Jaycee noticed it, and he held Mek's hand.

Mek promised that he would take Jaycee to beautiful places, they went first to famous restaurants while they were both waiting at the table, Jaycee informed him that he was just going to the rest room, Mek noticed that the brave voice seemed to be familiar to him scolded staff Mek stood up.

He was nervous as he slowly walked towards the man when the man turned, he stopped because Mek was in front of him their eyes meet.

They met again with his biggest what if.

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