the tyrant makes his moves

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"Adrien, what do you think shin wants us to do now" adrien answered "isn't it obvious? He'll make us help him to not let the ecredia fall" both of them continue to walk until shin told them to stop. Shin then typed something on the screen, and right after he stops a new image comes and there was a pie chart and a video. There's also a note around them floating in the air. 'It's pretty messy but I guess this is the best method' adrien thought. "This is the information percentage of the ecredia population, as well as some information that is not good to talk about" shin then continues "so I want you to let me see the memory, and I have a question." "Go ahead," adrien said, "since you said that the devices can tell the owner their memory, is there any way for me to find out about the others?" "There is,"

"The reason why it was so dangerous is that the owner can use this to see other people's memory, meaning that let's say your enemy kills you, you die but after that, you use this memory on them. You can see 'the memory' of them killing you 'the future of it too can be changed" adrien explains, "I see...well now I can understand why it was so dangerous than it was before" alice nodded. "So what's your plan now?" She asked shin. "My plan...I need to create a new one, but for now, I need to know who's the traitor. I know for sure that souta, the leader of Numako Island is the one who manipulates the gods to fight me"

Shin grips his sword, "a traitor has no place in ecredia, after this conversation. I'll make sure that he'll be executed in public" "no!" adrien and alice said at the same time. "Why?" Shin is confused. "That's because this is the [past]!" Alice explains"if you kill the [key] then the [future] is not guaranteed!" "What?" "Uh...I explained it, okay so..."

A [Key] is the one who can guarantee the future, since the [key] is the person name souta, killing him would not just destroy the future, it would bring back you to the time in your [past], keep in mind we reverse back the time so the [past] is now a [future]. Killing souta the [key] would destroy the [future] so in other words, think of souta as the [protagonist] and you as an [villain] if the [villain] kills the [protagonist] the story end.
You the villain will be sent back to the [past] which is a [future], do you understand that?

"So what you mean is that souta is a [key] that controls all of this?" Which adrien replied "yes" shin stopped talking for a moment and thought, after that, he continued "and if I kill him not just that would destroy the whole [story] but it would send me back to the timeline where ecredia was destroyed." Adrien nod. "That doesn't make any sense" adrien sighed. "Okay, I explain it again"

Souta is the one who manipulates the gods to fight against you right? So souta is the [key] he's the one who moves the [plot]. And who else moves the [plot]? The [villain] right? So let's say the protagonist dies, and the story will end. And everything will be reversed again, so in other words. You need to move the [plot] without the protagonists dying in it.

Alice: in a nutshell: souta is the protagonist, and you are the villain. If the villain kills the protagonist or if the protagonist dies boom, the stories end you got sent back to the timeline where everyone died. That's it.

Shin: about the plot?

Alice: you just need to move the plot, and how to do it? Well, I don't know either! But what I know is. You need to make sure the protagonist doesn't die and protect your kingdom as well as prevent all the accidents that happen before,

Shin: I see, I get it now.

Alice: now, I think what you need to do is make sure that all the things and accidents that lead to the og timeline are gone. Let's the og timeline, souta somehow manages to manipulate the gods right? So the action you need to do is just to prevent souta from meeting with them.

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