I Don't Trust You, But I'll Work With You

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"..." silence filled the room, and all that can be heard is alice and adrien chewing their food while lilith and shin are just sitting there quietly without saying anything. 'so awkward...' alice says in her mind, 'yeah...' adrien replied. Both of them look at each other and then nodded. *cough* *cough!*
That startled lilith, alice, and adrien glared at him hoping that he'll take a hint from it.

"... T-thank you... Shin..." lilith said softly, "mmh"

Alice: "... So um... What now?"

Shin: "ah yes, I want to help regained your throne, Lilith"

Lilith: "wh- what...? R-regain it back... It's impossible... Besides having them work for me while I'm safer... Well at least not to the point I can die is so much better..."

Adrien: "didn't you just cry about how you want to gain your freedom?"

Lilith: "yes, but... If it means that I'm gonna get in so much danger... I would have to choose to stay inside again..."

Alice: "what about your people? What if other gods try to kill them?"

Lilith: "so be it, if my survival is guaranteed I won't care about anything else..."

"that is such a cowardly move!" alice yells, clearly angry. "so you don't even care about your people?!" - "... Why should I care about them when all human is evil?!" lilith said. Why does he need to care about them when all this time all they do is just torture him and mock him?! Their dying for him is not enough for lilith to forgive them! At least all they can do is protect him with their pathetic life! "Humans dying for their god is so much better than living out their pathetic life, isn't it?!"

"but you are not the king," lilith looks at shin. "while yes you are ivline god, you are not the king. You are just a "god" without any power on your side. You are just a god in the name" he said calmly. "... While that may be true! I-i..." words die in Lilith's throat, "lilith... If this keeps up, one day people of ivline will no longer worship you as their god. And as a seven that isn't allowed... I may have freed you but if this keeps up I might be forced to kill you"

"... So in the end I die either way?" lilith looks down. Gripping his clothes, if he did that he die, if he did those he die. Everything ends with him dying... What's the use of shin freeing him anyway when all the things he does will just lead him to his death?!

"it may seem that way, but I have another plan for you" lilith looked up, "lilith, whether you believe it or not, you have always been my favorite. (at least the one who I don't mind) and while it doesn't look like I mean it, I truly do not want you to die. (after all, if you did, ecredia will be attacked)"

".. Really?" lilith said, clearly having hope in his eyes. Is it true? he was the favorite among the other gods? Lilith is always embarrassed whenever he thinks about it but before all of this happen, he used to look up to shin. While shin might not have to remember it, in the second previous era shin saved him from being killed and since that day he had always looked up to shin. To lilith, shin is the perfect example of what god should be. Brave, strong, smart, and perfect.

But sadly before he could do anything, shin has already isolated himself from ecredia not allowing any other god to contact him and even cutting ties with micheal, now that lilith think about it. What is micheal doing right now? Micheal did visit him a couple of 200 years ago but after that lilith has never been able to meet him. But lilith take the thought out now. Right now shin is in front of him saying that he, lilith. The god of ivline is the favorite among the other gods.

Shin had always been the leader. Although he did abandon the "leader" place for a long time. There is an unspoken rule among them all, while micheal may act as a leader. The true leader will always be shin, never anyone else. Shin also had always been said to be the most "perfect" god, at least that's what Micheal says.
So for shin to say that he wants lilith to not die and even admit that he favors lilith more than the others is not just some other matter. Lilith had always been the last choice. Only to be chosen if there is no other option.

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