Our Red Box 4

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Both of them flushed red "oh yeah sorry" Tsukishima helped Yamaguchi to get up since he was still a bit weak "are you sure you don't wanna go home?". "I'm sure Tsukki!" "Alright if you say so" They both start heading to the gym walking in comfortable silence "Hey sorry we're late!" Yamaguchi bowed to the captain "It's fine but please try to make it on time next time" "Yes!" They both walked over to a corner and start to stretch "okay we're done!" "Okay come join us over here" Sugawara replied pointing over to the team crowded around coach Ukai and Takeda. "Alright, Kids we've been given the chance to have a practice match with Aoba Johsai " WHAT AOBA JOHSAI????" Hinata yelled out while slightly jumping "Boke! Calm down" Kageyama blurted out "But we're going to have a practice match with Aoba Johsai aka WERE GOING AGAINST GREAT KING!!!!" "You've gone against him before dumbass" The duo continued bickering "Those two never stop fighting huh?" Daichi said while face-planting "You two stop it or ill cancel the practice match!" The duo immediately stopped fighting and sat down. Yamaguchi started to chuckle softly while Kageyama softly gazed at him "💭...He's pretty...". After the meeting they all went to go practice receives "Aaaa receives are so hard" Yamaguchi cried out "It really isn't" "You can only say that since you have long ass arms!" Yamaguchi said, "You always save the ball!" He yelled out with a bitter tone "Pfttt you cant relate" "No! I can't I'm average height you're like a billion feet tall!" Yamaguchi started to ramble about how it wasn't fair and how much he wanted to be taller " I think you should only complain about your height if you're as short as Hinata" "👂 I heard someone say my name???" Hinata stomped over to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi "Boke! Come back asshole!" Kageyama followed Hinata "Listen here beanpole! I swear if I hear you disrespect my name you will wish you kept your mouth shut!" Kageyama pulled on hinata's collar and pushed him away from Yamaguchi and Tsukishima "Sorry about him Yamaguchi" Yamaguchi tilted his head "But he didn't even bother me?" "Yes but I would rather die than say sorry to Tsukishima :)" "Oh okay" Kageyama bowed a little as another apology "Go take care of that sprout now king" "Anything to get away from you" "Whatever" Kageyama walked away front he duo "That was weird" "Yeah c'mon it's our turn to go outside"

-Time Skip-

Practice had ended a while ago and the team was standing around Suga " Alright! Let's see whose turn it is to clean the gym this week!" Suga put his hand in a bowl of folded paper and pulled out two papers that contained the name of the two people that would have to clean the gym "Okay let's see who it is!" Everyone stared directly at the paper in Suga's hand hoping it wasn't them. "Yamaguchi and Kageyama!"

Woooo finally I finished! And ik it's pretty short but I had a lot of things to do so this is all I could do 🥲. And I was going to upload this chapter yesterday but I didn't have the chance to upload it so sorry for uploading it a bit late. But anyway please stay safe out there and take care byeee! (Also sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes).

Our Red Box (TsukkiYama/YamaYama)Where stories live. Discover now