Our Red Box 24

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"WHATTTTT" Watanabe yelled out. Akaashi quickly cover the boys mouth with his hands

"Idiot, don't be so loud!" Akaashi sighed and took his hand off Watanabes mouth

"But how can i!? How dare he do that to ken ken??" Watanabe looked distressed. "Why are they still even together!?"

"If you shut up i can explain" Akaashi said

"Right, sorry..." Watanabe looked upset

" *sigh* You know what let's go out in the hall" They both headed out into the hall so that Akaashi can explain

"Okay, explain." Watanabe ordered

"Alright, Kenma and I have known each other for a while now. We arent as close as we are right now but one day he called me in the middle of the night. When I answered the phone I heard his voice cracking as if he was crying. I obviously asked him why he called and he told me that Kurro admitted to cheating on him while at a party for three years." Akaashi explained

"So then why are they still together!?" Watanabe asked with a pissed off face

"Let me finish the story. Kurro said he cheated because he was a little drunk and didn't remember what happened but he woke up next to a random girl that was in his class. Kenma said that he waited maybe a day to tell him and when he did he was incredibly apologetic" Akaashi said as he crossed his hands and sighed

" 'Didn't remember' my ass, that's the most used excuse that cheaters use!" Watanabe clenched his fist

"Yeah i know, but when i asked Kenma if they were going to break up he said that he still loved him and he didn't want to ruin the two years of relationship"

"Well fucking Kurro ruined it with cheating!" Watanabe looked more and more pissed by the second.

"He didn't tell me everything that happened after he found out but he told me that he wanted to put it in the past because Kurro was the only thing he had" He shaked his head

"Fucking hell, no wonder! I thought there was an awkward aura around them!" Watanabe exclaimed

"Yeah i dont want to question him since its his diction and it does look like Kurro is trying to make it work again. *sigh* we should head back Kenma is probably wondering where we are" Akaashi turned around and started walking "And don't mention anything"

The two boys head back to the gym and see that the match had ended

"Were did you two go?" Kenma asked

"Oh we were just talking about something you know?" Akaashi replied

"Hm...okay" Kenma said still curious

"Oh Kyo go get you're boyfriend were going to order onigiri!!" Yamaguchi said extending his hands

"Boyfried!?!?" Both Kenma and Akaashi said at the same time

"Shut up Tadashi!! He's not my boyfriend i barely know him" Watanabe said with a red tint covering his cheeks

"Woww how could you do this to me...i though we had something special" Akaashi wiped his eye making it as if he was crying

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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