Our Red Box 16

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Watanabe's cousin had finished doing Watanabe's piercing and walked over to Kenma and Yamaguchi

"So who's going first," Watanabe's cousin asked

Both of the boys looked at each other and started to stare deeply into each other's eyes

"Kenma wants to go," Yamaguchi said

"Great! I'll get things ready!" Watanabe's cousin walked off and left Kenma and Yamaguchi alone

"You f*cking asshole!" Kenma said to Yamaguchi

"Alright kid everything is ready," Watanabe's cousin said

Kenma walked over to the piercing bed and laid down. Watanabe's cousin started to mark where she was going to stick the needle in.

"Alright you're going to feel a pinch," said Watanabe's cousin before striking the needle in the bridge of Kenmas nose "Does that hurt?"

"No I expected it to be worse," Kenma said

After putting the needle in Watanabe's cousin put in the piercing.

"Alright, do you like it?" Watanabe's cousin pulled out a mirror to let Kenma see his piercing

"Woah, I really like it!" Kenma said "Thanks for doing this!"

"Of course no problem!" Watanabe's cousin answered "Alright go tell your friend to come over here"

Kenma walked out to the lobby and called for Yamaguchi

"Alright, your turn Dashi!" Kenma yelled out

"Oh okay!" Yamaguchi said standing up. He walked to a separate room and got greeted by Watanabe's cousin

"Hello there! So you're getting a septum, am I right?" Watanabe's cousin asked

"Um yes I am" Yamaguchi answers

"Great please lay down here I'm going to get my tools ready," Watanabe's cousin said

"Alright," Yamaguchi said, He was freaking out since he didn't have a high pain tolerance to begin with.

"Okay, you're going to feel a pinch," Watanabe's cousin said before putting the needle in Yamaguchi's nose "Does that hurt?"

"N-no it's not that bad" Yamaguchi replied, It did just feel like a pinch but he just felt uncomfortable since the needle was big

"Great, I just need to put the piercing in and we're done!" Watanabe's cousin said while showing Yamaguchi the piercing. She had put the piercing in and gave Yamaguchi a mirror

"It looks amazing!" Yamaguchi exclaimed

"I'm relieved! I'll walk you to the lobby" Watanabe's cousin said

They had walked into the lobby to find Watanabe and Kenma talking to each other

"Woah bro you look amazing!" Watanabe said

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