Our Red Box 5

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"Yamaguchi and Kageyama"............" "LETS GOOOOO!" Hinata yelled out "Shut up stupid!!" Kageyama hit Hinata on the head "Ow!ow!ow!" Hinata yelled out " Why did you do that!?" "Because you don't shut your ass up!?" Hinata then realized what he had said. "OH! I mean like let's go! Because uh um oh! Because I'm not going to be the one cleaning the gym! Hahaha-" "Okay shut up" Everyone had packed up and was ready to leave "Do you want me to stay with you?" Tsukishima asked "No it's fine!" "You sure? I really don't mind" "Tsukki it's okay you don't have to I mean if you miss me you can call me~" "Tsukishima blushed and tried to hide his face "F-fine I'll go but! If anything happens text me okay?" "Hehe okay tsukki!" Yamaguchi gave Tsukishima a bright smile.

With Kageyama and Hinata

"YOU GOT THIS OKAY?! YOU HAVE TO FLASH A SMILE AND CHARM HIM OKAY?" Hinata was coaching Kageyama so he(Kageyama) could have a chance with Yamaguchi "Okay I got this! I know the steps like the back of my hand!" "OKAY GO OUT THERE AND WIN HIM OVER" "OKAY!". Kageyama walked out to the gym were Yamaguchi was "Hi Kageyama!" Yamaguchi gave Kageyama a soft smile "💭AAAAAAAAA HE'S SO CUTE" Kageyama hid his face with both his hands "You okay?" Yamaguchi gave a questioning look at Kageyama since he could still see his ears witch we're bright red "Yeah..yeah I'm good" "Well we should hurry and clean, ill go get the broom and mop you can go get the wipes and the duster" Yamaguchi turned around and walked over to the storage room "💭Okay Tobio you just need to ask him if he wants lunch or something!" Kageyama then took the cleaning supplies off one of the shelves and started cleaning

-Time skip-

They had both finished cleaning and we're getting ready to leave "💭 Ok..ok..ok...ok I can do this just ask him the worst thing that could happen is rejection....SHIT, I DIDINT EVEN THINK ABOUT REJECTION FUCKKKKKK AHHHHH I DoNT KNOW WHAT TO DO IM GOING TO C-" "Yo! Kageyama do you want to go get meat buns?" Kageyama stood shocked "It's fine if you don't want some I just asked since it's already late and we haven't eaten anything" "💭Is this a dream? No no, it's not he's real,....my crush just asked me to go eat with him....WTF" Yamaguchi stood in confusion since he never saw Kageyama act like that "Hey are you sure you're okay? You look as red as a strawberry" Kageyama then remembered that Yamaguchi was standing in front of him "oh yeah sorry but....yes, I would like to go anywhere with you <3" Yamaguchi had a shocked face "Um yeah okay..".

-Hahahahaha another cliffhanger :) no but fr I was going to write more but the ideas I have would make a lot more sense if they were in the next chapter ALSO I was going to upload this chapter yesterday but my computer crashed and I couldn't type or touch the screen and my dumbass forgot that I had a button to shut it down so I was waiting for it to die but I had just charged it;-;. And I promise I will do the next chapter a lot longer since I have so many ideas. Anyway please stay safe out there and take care byeeee!

Our Red Box (TsukkiYama/YamaYama)Where stories live. Discover now