Chapter 5 - pinch me...

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A/N hey guyz! i wanna make another quick shoutout to my friend @fleurr, im SO sorry for the name incident. ill fix that... OK! so who wants to know what Julie noticed in the last chapter? keep reading... mwahahaha

Taryn's POV

ok, so we just walked up to the area where we wait to see the boys.

first i see louis walk around the corner. Julie bounced right over to hug him and they began to chat again. i chuckled, because from what i know about louis and jules, they are both sassy. i can see why the get along.

next came liam. he greeted us all and told the boys that they have a half hour to spend here.

"yes daddy." they all replied in unison. Fleur and i laughed, but personally i thought it was a little creepy that they always say the same things at the same time. oh well, they are one direction. in other words, 5 lovely idiots.

soon came zayn. he greeted us by saying his well known phrase, "vas happening?!"

i giggled. next out  was harry. he smiled at us, but i think he was mostly looking at Fleur. she blushed like crazy. i couldnt help but smile. i poked her in the ribs. 

"he is so cute," she said under her breath.

"yeah he is," i replied.

all of a sudden niall walks out from around the corner and looks right into my eyes again, and i find myself lost in his gaze. his eyes are so freaking unbelievably blue. they are captivating.

"hey! taryn, right?" he asked.

"umm yeah, and you are niall, arent you?" oh my god im so stupid.

"yeah," he chuckled.

"look who's blushing now," Fleur whispered to  me.

"dont mock me, im on a roll." i whispered back

to my horror she burst out in laughter, and started laughing so hard that she knocked me over, causing me to fall backwards.

i shrieked. but oddly enough, i didnt hit the ground. i was in someone's arms... i looked up to see those beautiful eyes staring into mine yet again.

"uhhh, thanks," i said

"no problem, love. and may i ask why you were laughing so hard, Fleur?" Niall replied.

"OH!" Fleur replied. "i was just laughing because a few minutes ago Taryn was making fun of me for bwongmongign-"

i cupped my hand over her mouth before she would humiliate me in front of Nialler.

Guess what? she bit my hand. she freaking BIT MY HAND. like a dog. 


"you will than-" she started.

i think she was gonna say "you will thank me later" but could not finish because it already happened. Niall saw her bite my hand and he laughed that adorable laugh and it mad me want to curl up into a ball and cry thats how cute it was.

"thank me now," Fleur said.

i rolled my eyes.

"thank you." i said.

(A/N you can listen to his adorable laugh in the video as well)

"OH! Niall, would you mind signing this CD?" i asked.

"yeah, no problem." he said. he signed it than said,

"ok, ill be right back, im gonna go wee."

"woah! Niall. how did you change the subject so fast. too much information you give!"

he laughed again as he walked away. his laugh is priceless.

a/n Goodmorning people! well, ima start writing from where i left off so leeets gooo!

Julie's POV

So i was just casually standing there with louis, chatting when niall walked by, laughing.

"where's he going?" i asked louis.

'probably the toilet," louis said.


as he walked by something caught my eye. it wasnt anything huge, or that noticable, but there was definetly something not right.

it was something about Fleur. something didnt seem right with her. i stared and stared, but i just couldnt put my finger on the problem. i shrugged it off, i was probably just imagining things.

Fleur's POV

i looked over only to see Julie staring at me. oh god, i hope she doesnt suspect anything.  and if she does... im totally DEAD.

A/N cliffhanger yet again! what is fleur up to?! let me know what you think. sorry this chapter is short, chapter 6 will be better i pwomise.

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