Chapter 9 - Night Out With Nialler

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Hahaha hiya guys! This story is dedicated to two awesome friends: @Hazzas_Summer_Love and @xxOneDirectionFan1xx. i dont really wanna spend that much time on authors notes so leeets gooooo!

Taryn's POV

sooo, niall and i were on our way to the festival - i was so freaking exited - but then i realized something.

i stopped dead in my tracks.

"Tay? what is it?" Niall said, looking around everywhere. 

"oh no." i said

"WHAT? tay, what. is. it?" Niall asked, with a worried expression on his face.

"I FORGOT MY OREOS!" i yelled, running up to the house.

(A/N i can totally see you guys having a slight heart attack, lol I GOT YOU GOOD! you thought there was gonna be like a shooting or something didnt you?! admit it, you totally just got owned!!!)

"OH. my god. TAY! you gave me a freaking heart attack! i thought we were gonna like get killed or something! all this drama because you forgot your oreos?" i heard niall saying as he paced nervously on the porch.

i rolled my eyes.

"you know how much they mean to me, niall." i said as i walked back in the house. i heard the theme song for grease playing. all of a sudden it stopped.

"whatcha doing, tay?" louis asked me.

i shrugged. 

"i forgot my oreos," i said simply.

"OH MY GOD. you are such a weirdo," Julie smirked. i stuck my tounge out at her.

i grabbed my oreos and left.

i walked out the door, huge bag of oreos in hand, and linked arms with niall, who was laughing at me while i tried opening my bag of oreos with one hand.

"here, let me help you with that," niall offered.

"NOOOO, i know your tricks, you food thief. i can do it myself" i opposed.

"what? tay- fine. but can i have some too?" he pleaded with a puppy dog face. he looked so adorable like that.

"fine," i said. i couldnt resist his cuteness. "you can have one."

"YAY! TANKs TAY LUV YA!" he yelled as he sprinted towards the grass WITH A HANDFULL OF OREOS!

who does he think he is, stealing my oreos like that?

"Oh its on," i said, cracking my nuckles. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, HORAN!" 

i started running towards him. he was facing his back to me, so i jumped onto his back, trying to mess up his hair.

"GIVE EM BACK NOW,HORAN AND NOBODY WILL GET HURT," i said to him, still on his back.

"too late now, Evans! i already ate them." i could feel his smirk.

"NOOOO," i cryed, falling off of his back and sitting on the grass with my head in my hands. "what have you done?"

"aww, taryn you have a whole bag of oreos left. im sorry though," he said.

"its ok," i sighed.

i looked up at his big blue eyes.

they were so beautiful, and it felt almost like he was looking into my soul. (pic in sidebar of what i saw)

"uhh, we should get going," he said helping me up.

"yeah! lets go to the festivalllll!!!!" i said.

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