Chapter 7 - Danger!

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A/N Hi guys! so sorry i left you with a cliffhanger in the last chapter, but WHY did Julie hold up a gun? hehehe lets find out >:D

Julie's POV

"Julie, do you want a mirror?" Fleur asked.

"yeah, please," i replied.  i didnt want to look like a weirdo infront of louis!

"Its in my purse," Fleur said.

"ok, ima go get it!" i said, but for some reason i dont think Fleur heard me.

oh well. she seemed to be in deep thought.

"hmmm where's the-" i started. "Fleur?! We need to talk!"

I reached into her purse and pulled out a shining black gun, and held it in my hands.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" she yelled, grabbing the gun from me. "that thing is dangerous, Julie! you dont just go grabbing people's guns!"

"uhh, well i usually dont come across people who have guns! Fleur, why do you have this? you need to spill," i said.

"uhmm, its for protection. cuz ya know, we are with one direction, and i thought it might be a little dangerous, with the crazy fans and all," she said. i could tell she was lying, cuz she kept biting her lip.

"oh, yeah great idea, Fleur! next time a fan gets in our way, why dont  we just shoot them?" i said sarcastically.

"listen im sorry i-" she paused to think. "i just have trust issues, thats all."

i glanced over to see taryn still talking to the guys, and i didnt want to ruin her day so i didnt say anything about the gun, and neither did Fleur.

I gave Fleur a pathetic look and we both sat down and continued eating.

"hey, jules! where were you guys?" Taryn asked as i took a seat next to her.

"oh, we were just-" i started.

"we just stepped out to chat a moment, thats all," Fleur.  who did she think she was, she lied to my best friend, and she freaking INTERRUPTED ME! how rude.

"oh." said all of the boys in unison.

"haha, do you guys plan that?" taryn said, changing the subject.

"no." they said together again.

we all laughed.

"of course you dont," Tay said sarcastically.

I guess the rest of the evening went well, other than the fact that i couldnt keep my mind off of that gun i held earlier. why would Fleur have a gun? what is she not telling us?

*later that evening*

Taryn's POV

so Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry dropped us off at our apartment we would be sharing for a few weeks, but first we all dropped Fleur off at Starbucks. we asked her why she didnt want us to drive her, but she said it was close enough for her to walk. i just shrugged and said ok, but Julie looked a bit troubled. so we hung out in the tourbus for a while, talking.

"whats up, jules?" i said.

"nothing much, ill tell you about it later tay." she said.

"oh. ok! want some oreos?"

obviously Niall heard me and screamed, "OREOS? YES PLEASE! IM STARVING!"

he tried to grab some out of the bag i was holding, but  i blocked him.

"wait, you're starving? you just ate a huge meal like 10 minutes ago silly boy. dont waste my oreos!" i said with a laugh.

"i know i just ate, but im never full, so I WANT MORE!" he cried.

"fine, you can have one," i said.

"TANKS TARYN! UR THE BEST!" he said, as he grabbed a handfull and ran off.


"you know the only way you are getting them back is if he regurgitates them like a mama robin," louis said from the front of the tour bus.

"no, louis. he couldnt have eaten them that fast," i replied, acting offended that he stole some of my oreos.

"oh you would be surprised how much he can fit in his mouth at one time. and how fast he swallows too," harry chuckled.

"haHA! YOU'RE TOO LATE, TARYN! I ATE THEM ALL!" niall yelled.

i laughed. "harry," i said, "how would you know how much niall can fit in his mouth?just wondering.."

"oh!" he replied with a giggle, "well he sleeps with his mouth open, so at night, the boys and i play tricks on him and put stuff in his mouth. what ever can fit, really." 

=0. did he just say that?

"ummm Harry, that sounded weird."

"why is tha- oh god. that really came out wrong. im so embarrassed now.

"haha its ok, Harold. i know what you mean." i replied.

"ohemgee, dont call me harold! im harry, nice to meet you" he said trying to look offended.

i giggled. i noticed that Julie was being very quiet this car trip. i wondered why, but she said she would tell me later, so i left her be. but i did motion for louis to go sit with her. luckily, he got the memo, and they started talking right away. i felt kind of hurt that she would talk to him and not me, but i let it go.  soon after, Niall walked over and sat down next to me, leaving me awkwardly squished in the middle of him and Harry. then something weird happened, leaving me with those funny butterfly thoughts that make you lie in bed awake at night.

Harry looked over at Niall with a teasing smile on his face, then put his arm around me still looking at Niall. niall shot him a jealous look, gently shoved harry's arm off of me, and put his instead. i felt an army of butterflies flying in the pit of my stomach.

Niall pulled me close, then Harry would reach over, grab me and do the same, pulling me away from niall. it went back and forth the whole drive until Zayn noticed what was going on. 

"LIAM! look, Niall and Harry are fighting over Taryn!" zayn shouted.

Liam, Julie and louis quickly turned their heads around to see the action.

Harry quickly let go and pushed me into Nialls arms. now i was confused, because he was trying to hold me himself, but then he pushed me over to Niall? oh well, it was like heaven, so i said nothing.

Niall wrapped his arm around me, not noticing that everyone was staring.

"oooh, Niall's in L-O-V-E!" louis shouted.

niall and i both blushed as he let go of me quickly.

"well, i guess harry really is the matchmaker," zayn said.

"what?" i asked, "whats going on?"

"oh well, harry was only hugging you to make Niall mad, because Niall really likes you. thats why he made you crash into niall when everyone looked," zayn gushed. 

niall got so embarrased that he go up and ran to his bunk, blushing.

we all laughed.

A/N so what did you think? let me know in the comments. oh and one more thing. Im SO so so so sorry for all of he misspelled words, if you see any, then just know that it is past midnight where i live and it is dark and my fingers just hit random keys, so i apologize for that. Another shoutout to @Fleurr , what do you think so far? i hope you dont mind the gun thing, but someone had to do it!!! luff ya all,

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