Chapter 57

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(Stiles POV)

It's officially a month. I haven't seen Lydia for a month. A month doesn't seem like a long time but it is for me, I need her. People are continuing to die and no one it doing anything about it. Deaton doesn't no when she'll stop changing. I'm going mad because I miss her so much. Iv'e been skipping school and meals and getting no sleep. My dad is getting so stressed out because of Lydia's case. I barely see him anymore because he and his team are constantly out looking for her.

Today I decided to go to school finally. Before I went I stopped at Deaton's. Right as I walked into the door he grabbed me.

"Tonight, Tonight is the full moon" he said "she's done, done transforming"

"Is this a good or bad thing?" I asked

"It could go either way" he started "you need to find her"

"Iv'e tried, I can't"

"You need to find her before your father does" he muttered "she hold great power, you wouldn't want to waste it"

"What do you mean 'waste it' my dad is only going to take her to Eichen House after they find her"

Deaton sighed

"Deaton?" I asked "What's going on"

"Don't worry about it" he mumbled

"What the hell is going on" I snapped

I felt like I had no control of my actions, I was hysterical. I grabbed his neck.

"What's going on?" I demanded an answer

"Their..their going to..." he choked

I let him go

"Their going to kill her" he coughed up

"How do you know this?" I asked

"I was at the police station yesterday and I heard your father clearly say 'she's killed to many people and got away with it, people are getting fed up. We can't risk her escaping Eichen House, we need to just kill her on the spot.' I'm so sorry Stiles" he spoke

"How can I fix this, fix her?"

"Go out and find her before dawn tomorrow" he started "you said you have been acting different, having strange dreams,right?"

"Yes" I answered

"She chose you. Stiles, you are the only one that could fix her"

"How?" I asked

"Kiss her, the number one this banshee's want is love" she said "you're her love; you can fix, only you"

"Ok, what to do I do after I kiss her?"

"Drive, drive as far away as possible and don't tell anyone where your headed"

"Where should I go?" I asked

"That's for you to choose" he said "now go find her, she's waiting"

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