Chapter 70

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(Stiles POV)

I walked in Lydia's room.


She ignored me. 

"I know you're mad" I said "but it wasn't my fault"

"Then how did everyone find out?" She snapped

"I told Scott" I admitted

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" She yelled

"I know, I know" I shook his head "I didn't think he'd announce it"

"You didn't think? You didn't think? You trust everyone with your secrets and everyone betrays you" I cried 

She got and began walking all over her room rapidly.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You always get shit on no matter what" She spoke "you trust everyone"

"Like who?"

"Like me, Stiles"

" Huh?"

"We have been through so much and you still decide to even look at me." she cried "I cheated on you, almost killed you, left you for another guy, and the list goes on"

I sighed because I knew it was true

"Why do you continue to stick with me?" she asked

I took a deep breath 

"Because I love you"

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