Chapter 78

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(Lydia POV)

After I stormed out of the loft and left Stiles I was so lost. I was sad, hormonal and pregnant; that's not a good mix. I didn't know where to go since I left everything at Scott's. I went to the bank and took out all the money from the account. I still a bunch from when my parents died and they gave me the will. I had over $15,000. Pretty much for 9 months I lived in LA. I wanted to live little of the city life. I wanted to take time away from Stiles. Taking time away means pretty much isolating yourself, so thats exactly what I did. At the end of 9 months, I went through wave of missed calls and texts from Stiles. After I read and listened to all of them I felt bad. I needed to see Stiles. I brought the baby to loft and knocked at the door. Stiles answered.

"Lydia, hey." He sounded shocked.

"Hi Stiles." I mumbled.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I-I just couldn't." I stuttered.

"It's okay, I understand."

"Anyway, meet your daughter," I transitioned. "Claudia."

"You named her after my mom?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

Stiles held back his tears.

"She-she's beautiful." He started to cry."

"I know." I cried.

Me and Stiles hugged.

"I saved up money, for a house and baby supplies."

"Stiles, we have to talk about that." 

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm not staying in Beacon Hills." I told him.

"Why not? Where are you gonna go?" 

"I don't want to raise her here."

"Well we don't have to find a house here. There's other towns."

"No Stiles, you're not getting the point." I cried. "I'm taking Claudia and we are moving to Paris."


"I'm sorry Stiles." 

"First you leave for 9 months, giving me no information as to where you were or how the baby was doing. Now you're taking her out of the country?"

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

"I barely get to see her today and now I can't ever see her again." he yelled. "This is bullshit, I'm done. Just take her and leave."

I took Claudia outside into the hall. I leaned against the wall and fell to my knees. I sat there sobbing.

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