Chapter 48

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(Lydia POV)

I woke up with the biggest migraine ever. I was hungover from last night. I slowly opened my eyes to adjust the lighting. I didn't know where I was but I felt someone next to me, I knew it was Scott. I reached over for my phone to check if I got any texts. It said "Messages (12) Scott McCall". The most recent one was from 5 minutes ago, "where are you". If that wasn't Scott next to me, who was it? I got up from bed, and grabbed a tv remote that I found.

"Hey" I yelled at the mysterious person

The man sat up and turned his head, it was Stiles. I threw the remote at his head.

"Ow" He screamed in pain "what was that for!?"

"What happened last night?" I asked

"I can't remember" He said "why are naked?"

I looked in the mirror, I got so drunk last night that me and Stiles had sex.

"Holy shit" I began to cry "Scott is going to kill me"

"No one needs to know about this" Stiles said "lets just go home and pretend this never happened"

"Where even are we?" I asked

"I don't know, lemme check"

I waited patiently for Stiles to find out where we were as I put back on all my clothes.

"Um Lydia?" Stiles began

"What" I hissed

"We're in Mexico"

"What?!" I practically yelled

"Esta todo bien?"

("Is everything ok?" a man in the room next to us asked)

"Si" I replied

"I never knew you understood spanish" Stiles said

"Are you kidding Stiles, I've been taking spanish since 4th grade" I laughed

Stiles laughed "let's get outta here"

We got in the car and began to drive. It was awkward tension for a while but I put on some music. I stared at Stiles for a moment. "What have I done" I thought to myself "I'm so stupid". All this time I've been running around with other guys but I love Stiles. No matter how much and stay away from him,fate brings him back. I quickly turned the car around and sped off.

Hi guys, long time no see! Happy 2015! Sorry I haven't been posting as much, I've been super busy but I also have other news! I made a new story, it's called "the runaways" it's not about teen wolf, but it'd mean a lot if you checked it out!

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