Chapter 72

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(Lydia POV)

I moved all my things into the house, I shared a room with Mia. All the girls were crazy, i'm surprised they aren't dead yet. The house was definitely more messy then I imagined. There were vodka bottles scattered everywhere.

"I always lock the door on weekend nights," Mia explained "so get a key"

"What for?" I asked


"Why don't we just go to other peoples parties so they don't fuck up our house?"

"Woah, that's like a super great idea" I widened her eyes

Was she high?

"But hosting parties are fun and we're good at it"


It was either Mia was totally ditzy or she's just high. I unpacked everything and skyped Stiles

"How's the new house?" he asked


"No turning back now"

"Thanks" I said sarcastically

"Lydia" Someone called from the other room

"Oh I gotta go" I said "love you"

I shut the screen and walked into the room, everyone was standing there.

"We have rules to go through." Olivia said "Number one, keep the room as cleans possible"

How ironic

"Number two, no boyfriends.."

"What?" I asked

"No boyfriends. It's annoying, we don't care. We don't want you constantly skyping him"

"But I love him"

"Lets be honest, it's college you're probably going to cheat on him"

"I wouldn't do that though" I said

"He's probably already fucking other girls, It doesn't matter"

"I can't cheat"

"Well actually we have a thing where when a new person joins the sorority, they have things to do on the first night"

"Like?" I asked

"You have sex with a random guy and get totally wasted"

What did I get myself into.

"Your pick" Olivia grinned

"Of what?" I asked

"A guy"


"The sex silly" she laughed "Better find a willing guy by tonight"

They couldn't be serious. This was ridiculous, I can't cheat. Stiles would be so disappointed. But it made me nervous when Olivia said "He's probably fucking other girls". He wouldn't do that, or would he? On second thought, he seemed anxious when we talked. We never finished a conversation when we texted. He always ended it with "Sorry, gotta go" right in the middle of the conversation. Or when I try to call him, he wouldn't pick up and then he'd text me saying "Can't talk right now, in the middle of something". I was never the type of girlfriend to be worried that he's cheating but now I'm having second thoughts. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna cheat. Officially, I don't know wether Stiles was cheating or not but he was definitely showing signs. Let's do this thing.

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