William's Demise

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We pull into the parking lot of a massive four story warehouse. I see the God's Light bus off to one side and Marcus and Cleo's vehicles close to the entrance. There are several vans and trucks that I don't recognize, they must be William's people. I hear Beau take a deep breath and grab my hand. I look at him and the sad smile on his face nearly shatters me. He's not as confident as he's pretending to be.

"Whatever happens, we'll be together." Beau says softly, kissing the back of my hand. I can only nod, my throat feeling like it's full of glass. "Alright, let's finish this."

I glance in the back to see the boys both nodding, looks of icy determination on their faces. We exit the van and a large cargo door begins to open, apparently William was waiting for me. The four of us begin to head toward the door cautiously, Beau's hand wrapped tightly around mine. Zach is on my right, Larry on Beau's left. We're a unified front, not hesitating and only showing the others our strength and resolve. As we finally reach the door, I glance back to see our group of allies have fallen in line behind us. Vampires, familiars, and humans walking shoulder to shoulder into battle.

"So, you've brought a small army with you!" William sneers and I turn to glare at him. "Not that it's going to help you." He laughs and two dozen vampires step out of the shadows. Another dozen familiars joining them quietly.

"Hah, is that suppose to intimidate us? That's cute." Cleo says, stepping up beside Zach and leaning her arm on his shoulder. Anthony is right by her side, glaring daggers in William's direction.

"You have more numbers, but it's still not close to even." William says, taking a step forward. "Less than a dozen vampires and the same number of familiars." He scoffs, standing just out of my reach. "Are you really going to sacrifice all these ignorant humans?"

"You're the ignorant one." Zach says, with a growl in his voice. "No one is sacrificing us. We know our chances, but we chose to stand up for ourselves and to stand beside John." He clears his throat and smiles at me. "If we die, we die on our terms. Fighting for what we believe in."

William snarls and lurches forward, but I step up baring my fangs and shielding Zach. He stops, whistling high pitched and suddenly all hell breaks loose. The vampires and familiars on William's side charge forward, taking aim at whoever is closest to them. I lunge toward William, surprised when he seems to try to flee. He heads for a staircase and I hesitate to follow him.

I glance back at the chaos, seeing Zach and his blade slicing a familiar up like a Christmas goose. Larry stakes a vampire and quickly removes the stake, the vampire turning to ash and Larry targeting a new foe. Marcus exchanges blows with a massive vampire, finally kicking him toward Gail. Gail impales him from behind with a stake, withdrawing it rapidly and pivoting. Janie is circling a vampire, his fangs are bared and he's sneering at her. I shake my head, knowing he's underestimated her and that will lead to his death. Cleo and Anthony are back to back, both grinning and dispatching their foes nearly simultaneously. Cleo's nails elongate and she reaches in to her opponents chest, literally ripping out his heart. Both his body and the heart in her hand turning to ash. Anthony breaks his opponents neck and stabs him in the heart with a wooden stake. The God's Light members are working in teams of two or more to take down opponents. Our side seems to be holding their own and Beau barrels toward me, ripping a vampires head clean off as his path to me is blocked. Our eyes lock and I nod, turning to chase William down.

I chase William up four flights of stairs and realize, he's leading me to the rooftop. Am I about to fall into a trap? I hear Beau's heavy footsteps and rapid heartbeat quickly approaching and I barrel through the door, out onto the roof. William is standing near the opposite side, looking out over the edge. I can hear that the fighting has spilled out of the warehouse and into the parking lot. He shrugs, turning toward me.

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