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Name: Alicia Woods



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Age: Billions for years old (First Elf)

Height: 7'2 (Elf's are tall as FUCK)

Weight: Unknown

Species: Elf Goddess


Dislikes: [REDACTED]


Transcendent Elf Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a elf who has ascended to or always had a godly state, being one of the most powerful elves in existence.


Absolute Condition: Users have all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level. At the most basic level, users have a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition, with absolutely nothing being able to surpass them in those attributes.

Absolute Beauty: Users possess an impossibly supreme level of beauty/handsomeness so absolute that in any attempts to look up such a magnificent being would drive others to fall for their pure yet incomprehensible beauty or presence for better or worse. Users' beauty proved to be absolutely infinite that even if suppressed to be viewed by others, they will still possess beyond an immense level of mouth-watering form that makes them the most desirable being in existence, even the idea of ever gazing upon their "true" beauty is futile.

Elf Physiology:The user with this ability either is or can transform into an elf (also known as an alfar, alp, ellefolk, etc.). Elves are humanoid beings who are either fairies, close relatives of the fairies, or humanoids with exceptional lifespans and magical inclination, depending on the lore. In general, elves resemble slender, beautiful, youthful/ageless, graceful humans. Some versions of elves are close to human size, others are diminutive, and still others are taller than humans. Though some human-sized elves could pass as particularly attractive humans, most have one or more distinctly elven traits. Pointed ears are the most common, but some elves have large eyes, skin/hair/eyes of an unusual color, and/or (rarely in modern fiction, but not uncommonly in folklore) hollowed-out backs.

Health Manipulation: The user can manipulate health, the state of physical/mental/social well-being of an organism or individual. The user can also manipulate the healing process, speeding any or all aspects of healing to the point of regenerating, or slowing and blocking healing even if the victim possesses healing abilities such as Regenerative Healing Factor. They might be able to sense the health of anyone and the causes of wounds, diseases or injuries, the health history, and possibly even genetic weaknesses and predispositions. Users may be able to learn to reopen old wounds and re-inflict old illnesses and conditions or even inflict completely new ones.

Meta Love Inducement: The user can induce love in absolutely anyone, regardless of how powerful they are, transcendent beings or users of Apathy, Empathic Shield, Indomitable Will, True Love Visage, Unlovability, etc.

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