White Dragon

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Name: Alicia



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Age: Unknown

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Age: Unknown

Species: Transcendent Hybrid (Alpha Ascended Transcendent Human, Transcendent Fallen Archangel Goddess, Primordial White Dragon Goddess, Goddess)

Personality: Same as Vali with hints of Goku


Alpha Human Physiology: Users are an alpha human: the paragon member of the human species who are vastly superior in any to every possible way to all other humans and their variants, including mundane humans, magical humans, superhumans, transhumans, hybrid humans, etc.

These kinds of humans are the very pinnacle of humanity itself, gifted with incredible power and many other human qualities that are at their ultimate or even absolute levels that it can surpass almost everyone and have natural dominance over all kinds of humans due to their advance status and superiority. Members can be considered incomprehensible due to being so incredibly strong, unimaginably powerful and representing the best of all humanity.

Ascended Human Physiology: The character is an ascended human: a renewed form of humanity who has obtained a powerful form of ascension that remakes them into a far more powerful and better version of humanity and are connected to a higher plane of existence that can transcend them into divine/godly beings of their very own as a new form of humanity. These special and very powerful humans can be far more powerful than any other variant form of humanity which can also include mystic humans, superhumans, trans humans, hybrid humans, etc.

Humans of this category are powerful in many ways and are gifted with many abilities that are deemed divine to their maximum capacity and with new physical forms, similar to yet flawless against the original that uplifts them a higher and unique status that can be similar to other divine beings, capable of going beyond their world to ruling over certain specificity.

Transcendent Human Physiology: The user is a pure and ordinary human being who has transcended to become the most powerful human of godlike status in their own right to be considered an actual deity in a mortal state, achieving a raw level of power so great it can rival even the most prominent of divine individuals across worlds and time.

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