Elder Kitune Goddess

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Name: Alicia

Nickname: Kagura



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Age: ∞

Species: Primordial Kitsune Goddess( Ten Tails)

Height: 6'10

Kitsunes Form:

Height: Infinite

Length: Infinite

Height+Length of each Tail(Ten Tails): Infinite

Height+Length of each Tail(Ten Tails): Infinite

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Transcendent Kitsune Physiology: A user of this ability either is or can mimic the traits of a transcendent kitsune. These are kitsune who have achieved a much greater state of existence than their mischief-loving relatives. They are beings of pure spirit and can posses power and achieve phenomena on par with gods themselves: while most of these creatures would be neutral or good in nature due to evil kitsune (Chiko) having hard limits on how far they could evolve some rare examples exist in folklore of purely evil transcendent kitsune, in popular fiction no such rules exist and thus a great many godlike antagonists can be found that are kitsune in origin.

Primordial Entity Physiology: The character is a primordial being, an entity that has existed since or even prior to the beginning of time itself.

Old God: As an archetype, the Old Gods who are also known as Elder Gods or Old Ones who are the first and sometimes second of gods/goddesses/divine entities/cosmic beings in existence, depending on mythos; the gods who came before the newer generation of Gods in most mythologies. In Greco-Roman mythology they actually had two generations of elder gods that ruled; first came the Protogenoi and then the Titans who replaced the Protogenoi until the Olympians came along to primarily replace both types of elder gods, becoming the finale generational rulers of their time.

These types of gods are often some types of anthropomorphic personifications, giants or eldritch abominations type-entities with incredible divine abilities and powers. However, with all their powers and divine status as the first gods they aren't completely unbeatable and have been beaten/replaced or even destroyed in mythology to make way for the newer generation of gods.

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