Graduating Class of 1976.

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Tw///Mentions of School,Graduation.

"Hey,Chuckwagon." Rosie spoke up. "You said you and the other toys were built by someone other than the dude who made your blueprints. Who were they?" Rosie asked.

"Oh! Well,I don't exactly remember,hehe...but I do remember they were all in their late 20s,29,I think."
He replied.

".....What year did they graduate in...?" She asked,putting the pieces together.

"....Rosie,why the long face....? You only make that face if you have an 'oh crap' revelation...."

"What year did they graduate,Toy Freddy?"

Toy Freddy flinched. Rosie rarely,if ever called him by his actual name. And when she did,she was usually serious.

"....I don't exactly remember,but going off their age....I think they were the Class of 76..."

Rosie crushed the Hydroflask she had in her hand.

"NOT GOOD." She instantly said.

"What!? Why!?" He asked,instantly panicking.

"Ever wonder why you guys were affected by so many anomalies...? The Class of 76 is anomalous due to SCP-2000! That's why! You guys are a anomaly magnet because you were bombarded by anomalous energy during when you were being built!" She replied.

Toy Freddy gasped.

"It makes sense now! So THAT'S why all those things happened! So.....what are we gonna do with this new information,Madam?"

"First order of business: Track down your engineers to see if they are actually members of the Class of 76. Second: Anomaly proof the park. Thanks for your time,Chuckwagon!"

"No problem. At least those guys had a great year." He chuckled to himself.

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