Shooter of the Sun

16 1 0


TW// Guns, Warfare, Cults

One Bullet.

Sixteen guards.

One leader.

An utter piece of cake for Rosie.

Taking aim with her sniper rifle, she lined it up on the first guards head.


And it all slowed down.

Using her psychic powers, she bobbed and weaved the bullet from guard to guard.

Until they were all dead.

Satisfied, Rosie got up.

Her job here was done.

"Comander, call off Operation: Tiger Bomb." She said into her walkie talkie. "Operation: Shooter of the Sun had been successful."
" bullet." The general said, a dawning realization of horror. "That girl did this all with one bullet."

"Yes, sir." The comander said. "After all, you remember what she did to the cult known as Children of the Sun. 17 bullets was all she needed to slaughter every last member."

"....Forget the millitary, that girl should be working for a super hero agency!" The general exclaimed, looking at the white line on the ground.

It was a chalk line, one drawn by the general himself as he was inspecting the bodies left behind by Rosie. As he had inspected the wounds, he noticed that the entry and exit wounds all looked basically identical to the bullet he found lodged in the wall behind where the Tiger General had stood.

And then he had realized that was the only bullet that had been fired. Meaning something had to have controlled it to hit all of those people.

And Rosie was the only one on that mission.

"General, sir, I will give her a glowing recommendation to all of the super hero agencies I can find if she wishes to go down that path." The commander said, snapping the General out of his stupor.

"...Good. Get her on another mission ASAP. And give her alot more bullets than just one. If she can kill seventeen men with one bullet, who knows how many more she can kill with more."

"Yes, sir. Also, I'd like to take a moment to inform you that she can use her power on alot more than just bullets."

The General paused.

"If that girl becomes a supervillain...then God help us all."

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