Ch.1 (Prologue)

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Y/n woke up early, and quickly tied up her hair and put on her comfortable clothes, a white shirt with puffy long sleeves, black high waisted pants, black shoes, and a black jacket.

As she got ready for the day she got a call from her father, who was asking her about her decision of being an animator at that studio.

"Y/n dear, I've heard plenty from friends and that studio seems to be an unlikely choice to be an animator, are ya sure that you want to work at that....... Joey drew studio?" Asked Y/n's father, Y/n sighed internally at her father's worry.

"Pa, you know that Joey Drew's studio was the first choice ever since I heard about it and plus, it could help me attain a better resume and get me a better job, besides it should be older brother Caramel that you should be worried about." Said Y/n.

Older brother caramel was a joking nickname ever since he was fired from a candy shop for accidentally spilling caramel on the inspector, and nowadays he has been doing a number of odd jobs while doing interviews.

"We all know ya caramel brother is still a crumb, but who knows? Besides promise me after a while ya visit me at the apple sometime. It gets a little lonely here." Said Y/n's father.

Y/n said her goodbyes before promptly hanging up, she took her lunch and took the bus to work, when she arrived she quickly went in and clocked in.

A few hours later........

Break time was fast, Y/n's hand aches as her fingers stuck in one place, but Y/n was happy that she finished her set of animation panels.

She then notice a man looking amazed by Y/n's work, he was surprised that Y/n noticed him but he introduced himself.

"Sorry but I couldn't help but noticed how fast you worked on 'em pages, I'm Wally franks the janitor, who are you?" Asked Wally, his chipper mood and charming personality made Y/n happy that there were some nice people around.

"I'm Y/n L/n, a new animator that Joey hired." Said Y/n as she shook his hand.

"Then thank him that we have one more good person in this studio, lotta people here that are mostly grumpy or annoyed by me, or ignore me. But hey! There's Susie, Norman, Buddy... But anyways see ya later!" Said Wally before Y/n said goodbye to the janitor.

Y/n smiled at the thought of becoming new friends to the people here, but that wasn't the case for everyone.


Weeks went by and almost all of the animators were angry and grumbling curses, and now Y/n knew why they were pissed off most of the time, Joey's deadline kept her up most of the time and by the time she finished her set of panels for the whatever the number is this time, her hands were covered in ink her sleeves stained with the substance, but she was one of the lucky ones, a rare few even had their pants covered in the stuff.

Y/n lost her appetite and passed over her peanut butter and jelly sandwich she packed to Wally who's optimistic nature made Y/n calm down from blowing a gasket.

"So what's the gossip of today Wally dear?" Asked Y/n playfully as she rested her head on her gloved covered hand so the ink didn't spread.

"Heh, Nice ol Susie and that grumpy ol Sammy Lawrence were meeting again, if I didn't know any better I'd say there was some sort of magic in that ol little moment between em." Said Wally as he took another big bite into Y/n's sandwich.

Y/n nodded her eyes resting before feeling like she was going to sleep for the tenth time this week but she quickly pop up and sighed in tiredness.

"What's the matter filly?" Asked Wally noticing Y/n's look of tiredness and hatred for something.

"It's the deadline, I'm getting the feeling that Joey is a little strict." Said Y/n.

"But hey he writes the checks for our salary." Said Wally as he gave Y/n her apple that was apart of her lunch.

"Here ya go, ya need your energy for those cartoons, don't worry about it I'm sure you'll have a better time here as time goes on." Said Wally.

Y/n took a bit of her apple hoping that Wally was right, hoping that Joey could cut the employees some slack.

But Y/n was a too hopeful, she was shocked when she received the news of Susie being replaced by Allison pendle as the voice of Alice Angel.

Y/n tried to ask Joey why he replaced Susie but he didn't answer, when Y/n demanded an answer, Joey fired her on the spot.

Y/n only looked at Joey with a disgusted look before stomping away, Wally Franks only looked at her with guilt but minded his own business, Norman tried to ask Y/n what was wrong while Sammy pretended not to worry about Y/n's unusual behavior.

"Joey fired me, but that's ok because I'm tired of him being an ass, Henry was right for leaving him. How could anyone put up with an egotistical maniac like Joey? Well goodbye Wally, Sammy, and everyone else! Because I'm not going to come back here!" Yelled Y/n before picking up her box and left quickly not wanting to spend another minute in Joey's scam of a studio.


Y/n was in a depression, for a bit before finding out her father applied her for a different studio and they accepted her rather quickly.

When Y/n arrived her first day was welcoming with people buzzing around and happily talking to each other a complete opposite of Y/n's experience with Joey Drew's Studio.

But as time passed, Y/n found letters almost every week, with Joey's signature, but Y/n burned them all in rebellion, it was almost therapeutic for her watching the letters burn in her fireplace.

But she was a little guilty about it, what if it was about something serious about her friends?

But Y/n didn't stop, she continued and continued, until her hidden guilt crept through like ink through thick stone.

One day, Y/n saw a brown crisp letter, it was almost 20 years since Joey suddenly stopped sending letters.

After almost 30 years a letter, from the man that fired Susie for almost no apparent reason, made Sammy insane with the deadlines, and made her unable to see her father and family had the nerve to ask her to visit the studio for something he wanted to show her.

Y/n thought for a moment before hanging the letter on her fridge and left her house while putting on her outfit she wore on her first day to the studio and went over to see the studio after almost 30 years.


Y/n put her foot on the ground nearby the studio, she looked at that iconic smile that haunted her mind, Y/n coughed before closing the car door and putting her car keys in her pocket.

Y/n admitted that it was impressive that Joey was able to finally make her come back but if it was something that was stupid as hell she swore she would punch that guy in the face or kick him in the nuts.

She opened the door and went inside before the door closed itself.

Bendy and the Animator (YAN! Batim x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now