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Y/n looked traumatized after the bloodshed- or was it now inkshed? Never mind she looked at the trash can and saw some keys and unlocked a door to see a supply of Bacon soup.

"Why haven't I questioned this?" Thought Y/n out loud before seeing an audio tape and listening to it, and Sammy literally saying the passcode for his sanctuary.

'Wow that simple of a passcode?' Thought Y/n as she saw the music room and recording room that she would visit the music band and Susie and gifting her some drawings of Alice Angel.

She tried to play the instruments according to Sammy's audio tape but it didn't work, Y/n looked up to see a movie projector, Y/n wondered if there were any sort of clues and that she did find with Norman Polk saying that Sammy was weird making the band go out in the hall and he would speed through it all.

Y/n turned on the projector, gone back to the music room and played the instruments accordingly. She heard a loud clack before hearing a door opening. Y/n gone over and saw Sammy's little sanctuary, it hadn't changed.

She remembered those moments when Sammy would bring her into his sanctuary to head the music he constructed and this in its early drafts.

Y/n turned the wheel and went out only to be jumped by the searchers, she quickly killed them all with the pipe while shouting curses at Joey for fucking up the studio.

And going to the infirmary and finding out that the valve was missing Y/n was done with the bullshit and threw the pipe straight at the searcher who took it and got it back.

"When will I have a fucking break-!!!" Said Y/n before Sammy swung a shovel on her.

"Rest your head, it's time for bed." Said Sammy.


Y/n opened her eyes to see that she was tied up, she saw Sammy holding an axe, his face that was covered by a bendy mask looked closely at her.

"W-who are you? Why am I tied up?!" Said Y/n.

"That voice..... and face..... so familiar somehow?" Said Sammy, hesitant about sacrificing a familiar face, almost like it went against his thought of sacrificing for the sake of being set free.

Y/n's eyes widened in shock, she knew that voice...

"Sammy? Sammy Lawrence? It's me Y/n!!! The animator that used to hang out with you and Susie and Wally!" Said Y/n trying to convince Sammy not to execute her for the sake of not being killed in a cult.

"Y/n?!..... is it really you?" Said Sammy in surprise, y/n told him about the various moments even ones where he was pissed off by Y/n's and Wally's antics.

"You got really mad that time when Wally spilled mustard on your written piece and I made it worse with a napkin." Said Y/n, Sammy grunted, remembering that moment, he let go of the axe and untied Y/n.

Y/n looked at Sammy better before realizing that he had four fingers instead of five and got more muscle visible with the ink all over.

Y/n was confused on why Sammy was this way but he explained it all, even saying that he doesn't remember most of Y/n only the moments that have made a profound impact on him.

Amnesia? Well this will be a small problem...

"Well let me introduce myself, I am Y/n, an old animator Joey drew hired before ultimately fired after a few years, we used to be friends." Said Y/n as Sammy gone along with her, going to a supposed guest room, it had a few ink spots here and there but it was good.


Sammy seemed to be more concerned with Y/n's activities around the studio but together they chatted, Y/n's questions were answered, and Y/n tried to make something more suitable with a can of bacon soup.

Of course Sammy helped Y/n around and showing her shortcuts until he began to make weird gestures around her.

It was like they were a married couple, y/n staying in the small room drawing or jotting down notes about her observation from searchers, while Sammy goes out and to find supplies.

But as Sammy's memories starts to come back, his hands sometimes become self conscious and grab Y/n's hand or in rare turning into uncommon cases, gets her waist captured by his two muscular arms.

"I remember when we did this before.... Like this? What was it that we did?" Asked Sammy, his head on Y/n's shoulder as Y/n sat on his lap while trying to fix the tear in his overalls with some thread that she fortunately had in her purse.

"You had injuries while the pipes burst, and when I had the chance I would sneak down to the infirmary and feed you while you were in a cast... heh Joey was so mad when he found me away from work, but miraculously he didn't yell at me." Said Y/n, Sammy noticed the ink, his ink tainted the white shirt she wore.

Sammy felt a feeling when Y/n talked about Joey, Franks, or Norman, it wasn't a pleasant feeling, but Sammy didn't know what the feeling was so he ignored it.

Until one day while he was trying to find some supplies, his old sanctuary, a floor board loose near his desk.

There he found a journal, titled as Sammy's, he looked through it and read it, slowly realizing the feelings he had about Joey, or other male figures surrounding Y/n, were not of simple jealousy.


Extra: Sammy's Logs

(Y/n's First Day)

A new animator that Joey brought in, unfortunate for me and the others having to put up with a new employee that was only hired because she was lucky enough to catch Joey's eye.

But it seemed that she had already made herself at home and talking with that handyman who is well known to be too optimistic about everything.

But who knows? Maybe I am starting to go crazy by all the deadlines that Joey brought in.

(After a few months)

It seems that as the employee, which I know her name as Y/n, goes around and cause mischief with the handyman, it makes work bearable. Maybe it's their glowing naive optimism that's getting to me or something about her that makes me feel inspired to create more tunes for the blasted cartoon.

But one thing I find annoying about that animator, no matter how hard I try to be firm, I can't seem to even say a word that may seem harsh on her. It's like I completely restrain myself when she is around. But now and again I begin to feel violent or angry when I see her talking to another person that seems to have an eye for the animator.

But I think that I have begun to feel closer to her than anyone else hoped to be, when I was injured by the blasted pipe, Y/n would sneak down and fix my torn shirt or a loose button.

It was truly like I was in heaven or a sweet dream, but Joey drew didn't seem to like it, taking Y/n away from me. I saw the look in his eye and knew he was competition for Y/n's affection. Maybe that's why he sung praises about her to investors or anyone he could bug, he's a charming man on the outside I admit, but I knew... she would never liked him if she knew what a tramp he was.

Bendy and the Animator (YAN! Batim x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now