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Being in a prison wasn't all bad but Allison asking questions on the regular about her past life and Y/n answered her as best as she could.

But Y/n admitted that she didn't knew her all too well as she was fired from her job before even getting to know her too well. Allison seemed to understand but a little disappointed.

Tom on the other hand seemed to be too cold and distant to even chat with him, he even threw away the soup Allison gave Y/n.

But he did her a favor, Y/n wasn't all comfortable with the soup anymore, ever since that soup and ink demon incident she had a newfound fear for the soup.

Pretty stupid, right? But not as stupid as Y/n being left behind by Allison and Tom.

Y/n had a look like she was done with all the bs and pulled a spoon and finding the pipe in the toilet, ultimately escaping from her prison and running off to find Allison and Tom.


Going around and finding that their was a literal underground system of boats with canals with ink acting as water.

Y/n sighed before getting on a boat, it seemed easy but she didn't know what was in the inky depths.

As Y/n drove down the inky rivers, ink got stuck on the back and Y/n grabbed the pipe and began hitting them before seeing something coming out of the surface.

A LARGE Bendy hand, Y/n was silent before hurriedly hitting the ink blobs and driving away from the hand.

Finally arriving, the small town or village was made up of anything they could salvage to be made into homes.

They all looked so scared and miserable, Joey was cruel, which made the hatred burn brighter.

As she cautiously walked up to the doorway that was blocked by wooden planks, an axe cut through them as a familiar voice cried in rage.

"BETRAYED!!!! ABANDON!!!! I gave you everything and you left me to rot!! Why?!" Yelled Sammy.

Y/n quickly dodged the axe and ran away only for Sammy to chase her, Y/n turned around and hit Sammy right in the face and ran again.

Sammy was dazed for a moment before looking for Y/n, she was hiding in the small alleyway.

She was breathing heavily as she heard the axe being dragged against the floor as Sammy hummed a tune that was creepy enough to make Y/n want to cry in hysterics.

Y/n slowly peeked out to see Sammy's hand gripping onto the corner of the metal before his figure was visible as he was passing by unaware of Y/n.

Y/n took the chance to quietly sneak up and hit him on the head and ultimately got his mask off.

He cried in anger and surprised before grabbing Y/n's neck and threw her to the ground causing her head to hurt and her to go into hysterics as Sammy held up the axe, ready to cut off her head before Tom snuck up and hit Sammy on the head.

Y/n looked at Tom not knowing if he would kill her himself, but he stuck out his hand and pulled her up, before giving her Sammy's axe.

It was very traumatic, but Y/n held on by swinging her axe at various searchers.

After the bittersweet victory against the lost ones and the searchers, Y/n began leading Allison and Tom who Y/n now fully believe that he is Thomas to walk a suspiciously narrow wood path over a deep cliff like tunnel.

Y/n fell from a brittle wood plank that broke and she was now in the film vault and administration.

Opening the doorway to the administration, Y/n noticed butcher gang members wandering in the maze like hallways and began making quick trips to snatch ink blobs to make pipes to complete a puzzle.

And while that happened she hid from the members and weirded out by the fact that the blob somehow feels so wrong to hold like holding a liver or something.

Maybe it was the ink or the insanity of returning to the studio and finding out that everyone had suffered a fate worse than death.

But after entering the film vault and seeing the metal doorways, and after opening a random box, she was spooked by Allison and Tom's sudden appearance.

"Sorry for scaring you Y/n, but couldn't be here sooner." Said Allison.

Y/n chuckled before Allison said that she needed some materials but Tom walked right up to the metal doors and punched the door with the robotic arm causing the doors to split apart from the sheer force.

Seems like now was the time for reappear because on the other side of the glass wall he was walking by, Y/n was horrified and stood still like a deer in headlights.

"Just don't make a sound, follow us." Whispered Allison as she guided Y/n to a passageway and right before a giant version of the ink machine.

But Y/n was saddened when she heard Allison said that they won't be able to go with her, and she walked across in the ink and entered a throne room of some kind, Y/n couldn't help but fear the unknown.....

Bendy and the Animator (YAN! Batim x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now