#36 Rubi

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"I don't know," I whine, staring down at my phone

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"I don't know," I whine, staring down at my phone. "Do you think she'll respond? Oh god, what if she's blocked my number and the text doesn't reach her at all?"

Senpai laughs, setting a tray of snacks down on the living room table. "That is highly improbable Rubi, considering the fact that Irina doesn't even know how to properly press send without accidentally adding about a dozen emojis to her text, much less block contacts on her phone," she points out, lowering herself onto the tatami mats beside me.

I smile, thinking of all the clowns and whales that often pop up in my chats with her, unexplained. "You're right," I sigh, and Senpai shifts closer to me, drawing my hand away from my lips to spare the remainder of my nails from my relentless nibbling. "Let me see what you wrote," she says, and I pass the phone to her, eager to know what she thinks.

She immediately gags at the screen. "Rubi, how many words is this? When I left you here to come up with a good apology for Irina, I wasn't expecting you to spit out an entire essay!"

Crap, it's too long? "But I have so much to say-"

"And her eyes are probably going to accidentally skip past half of it while skimming through to the end," she says, selecting the entire body of my message with a sigh and hitting delete before a protest can even leave my mouth. I lean forward on my knees and snatch my phone back from her hands, grumbling as I clutch it protectively to my chest.

"Why don't you just ask to meet up?" she suggests. "Won't it be easier to tell her all of this in person?"

It would, it really would, but... "Senpai, she's avoiding me. Why would she agree to that?"

She's about to open her mouth to answer when we hear the main door click open, followed by the rustle of lightly conversing voices and the shuffle of approaching footsteps. Seconds later, Akito and his father emerge into the hallway outside, grocery bags in tow, hair windswept and cheeks pink from the cold, their eyes flying open in identically startled expressions when they notice me sitting inside.

I quickly say hello to Mr. Kai, politely bowing my head in greeting as he stops by the door. I used to see him every so often back when he still lived here with Senpai, but it's been over a year now since we last bumped into each other. He seems to remember me, however, and my heart flutters happily as he gives me a little nod in response, smiling softly before he pries the grocery bags from Akito's fingers and ushers him inside, walking ahead.

Akito slowly steps into the room, his arms stiff at his sides.

"Hey," I say quietly, a twinge in my chest. "You're finally back."

He nods, takes another careful step forward, and lowers his head a little, swirling gaze directed at the ground. "I'm sorry," he mumbles. I lock eyes with Senpai, and she smiles. Ah.

I turn back to him and simply say, "What for?"

His eyes snap up to mine, pupils swimming with regret. "I won't do it again," he whispers, and it's all I need to hear, so I grab his hand and tug him down onto the mats with us. Kurumi-senpai fills him in on what we've been doing, and moments later, I'm sitting with my phone held before my face, Senpai and Akito peering at the screen from over my shoulder on either side of me.

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